My 2022 Razer Blade 14's battery started expanding, so I removed it. The laptop still works on the power brick, but...
阅读更多Picked up a broken Nano 2nd gen 2GB to mess around with, and it wouldn't charge, show any signs of life, or get detected...
阅读更多Bought a destroyed iPhone 13 Pro on eBay as a fun restoration project. There is no water damage, and the logic board is in...
阅读更多Recently picked up a 2016 Samsung Gear VR to mess with, and I am unable to make it work. First tried it with an S7 Edge...
阅读更多I was given an iPhone XS in very poor condition that I wanted to restore. However, upon testing it I found that the flash...
阅读更多My iPhone 8 Plus had fully functional vibration and all haptics worked fine, but after a teardown to deep clean the phone...
阅读更多I have a Samsung Galaxy s7 edge that is working totally fine, but it is stuck on the initial android 6 release that comes...
阅读更多I have an eBay-purchased Moto G Fast locked with a pattern from the previous owner. I've tried to enter recovery mode by...
Yes, the smaller front screen is replaceable, although expensive and a bit tricky to DIY. If you want to attempt it yourself, Find a guide on YouTube and buy the screen. iFixit sells them for around $230 USD. If not, an electronics repair business could do it for you, although it would likely be more expensive.
阅读更多From what I can see, it looks like your laptop is entirely solid state, meaning theoretically there is nothing that will be damaged by magnets as strong as those used for MagSafe. It's good that you're concerned about damaging something though. Your current magnet placement is fine, but you could install it anywhere along the top edge of the screen and be ok. Lower down from there, closer to the hinge would be over the computer's motherboard, but the strength of the magnets will be significantly lower through all the laptop's layers. Hope this helps!
阅读更多I have some experience with those aftermarket OLED panels with the regular S21 5G! (my model is the SM-G991U) The display I purchased came with the OLED installed on a new midframe, and claimed to be compatible with all S21 models, including the SM-G991B. I had zero issues with the install, and the display worked as expected. The quality was a bit lackluster for how much I paid for it, but it got the phone working again which is all I was worried about. I'm not entirely sure if the same is true for the S21+ 5G, but I would assume the additional cable mentioned is for the optional 5G antennas. On the S21, it is a modular component that is installed into the midframe with a couple screws. (they are also held down with adhesive so remove them with caution) I believe all models of the S21 and 21+ have cutouts for these antennas, regardless of whether they came installed from the factory or not. Hope this helps!
阅读更多Sin muchos detalles, es difícil determinar el problema, pero asegúrate de tener la última actualización de Android. Ve a configuración y busca "actualización de software". Si ya tienes la última actualización, ve a Google Play y asegúrate de que YouTube esté actualizado.
阅读更多If you haven't already, try replacing the batteries of the remote, and check the battery terminals for corrosion. Even if you see none, use sandpaper, nail file, or some abrasive to clean the terminals. Also check to make sure nothing is obstructing the IR sender on the remote and the IR receiver on the TV. If all else fails, a new remote may be in order.
阅读更多Hmmm… sounds familiar to a problem I had with my Samsung Galaxy S4 phone, and the issue was that the micro power button had broken away from the motherboard, so the device still worked normally, but I couldn’t power it on or go into recovery mode. I don’t know one hundred percent if this is the same problem you’re having, but if you are able to take apart your tablet remote, inspect the power button its self. see if there are any breakages in solder or if its a ribbon cable, see if it’s ripped anywhere. but if the power button is still showing signs of working, you may have a more deep-seated problem on your hands. hope this was helpful!