For those suggesting that the moniker PRO doesn’t need to mean ‘repairable’, ‘accessible’, ‘non-complicated’, just consider any other PRO industry who relies hugely on repairability and the ability to get inside their devices / tools / instruments to keep them going as long as possible. A music producer wouldn’t throw away a 50 channel recording deck because 2 channels failed one day. A musician wouldn’t put their guitar in the dump because a machine head broke, $10 would get that musician back on stage again. A chef that finds their knife no longer sharp doesn’t look for the bin and a wholesale knife catalogue to buy a new one, they get a hone, or a stone and in 10 minutes their knife is possibly as good as new.
Apple have chosen this route for us and all to shave a few millimetres and grammes off laptops that Pro’s need to have as functional as possible. The moniker PRO is assumed to not only be top quality but top at saving the day when $@$* hits the fan and these machines are no longer that.
Another method for insuring screws end up on the right thread is to turn the screw in reverse (anti-clockwise) to begin with until you feel a click, then you'll know the screw has fallen into the thread correctly and you can drive it home clockwise.