I would simply have gone to a Jewellery supply shop and bought a cheap pair of needle nose Jewellers tweezers, these have hard steel jaws which are only 1/64 wide at the points. Push them into the slot, get a grip on the broken pin and pull it out. The socket is a different matter again, the pins usually break because someone forces a card into the slot the wrong way round. if you can dismantle the socket out of the camera, you find that the pins are made of Gold plated Hard bronze, if they get bent, they usually drastically weaken because the next time a card is inserted, it will bend the pin flat. People tend to straighten them again using a small screwdriver and that leaves them fractured and ready to break. The next card insert snaps them off. However, the saving grace is that the pin protrudes out of the back of the white plastic insulator block by about 3 mm. Do not touch it's soldered connection, but bend the wire so that the solder moves to the immediate back of the insulator. That leaves you with...