

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 6 Plus,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解, iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解, iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 女士们先生们,时间快到了。我们即将会为您拆解全新大的iPhone 6 Plus。是什么让这个庞大的手机这么特别?我们很高兴你问了:

    • 苹果A8芯片和64位架构

    • 第二代M8运动协处理器

    • 16,64,或128GB內部容量

    • 5.5英寸1920 x 1080分辨率 (401 ppi) Retina HD 高清显示屏

    • 800万像素的iSight摄像头(有1.5微米像素, Focus Pixels 自动对焦,和光学图像防抖动功能) 與1.2MP FaceTime摄像头

    • 主屏幕按钮上的Touch ID指纹识别传感器,气压计,三轴陀螺仪,加速感应器,和环境光传感器

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + 藍牙 4.0 + NFC + 20-band LTE

  2. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 来自我们澳洲的排队现场:

    • 在昨天当地时间下午一点时已经有五十多人在排队了。

    • 在今天当地时间早上七点时有将近一千多人在排队。

    • 我们的号码是53,然而苹果店只有现存四十只iPhone 6 Plus。

    • 还好!不用担心!感谢好心的iFixit澳洲粉丝Ricky把他的iPhone 6 Plus让给我们!感谢了,Ricky!

    • 很遗憾Ricky跟这位Ricky并没有血缘关系。

    • 我們非常感謝我們在MacFixit Australia的好朋友們讓我們用他們墨尔本的辦公室來現場拆解。他們有Mac和iPhone零件和配件,和我們的 iFixit toolkits。

  3. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 在你的鄰家商店馬上就可以購買到了iPhone 6 Plus Pop-Tarts 藍牙/NFC扬声器!

    • iPhone 6 Plus 的尺寸如下:長度为158.1毫米, 宽度为77.8毫米,和厚度为7.1毫米。它只比美國人喜愛的Pop-Tart餅乾大一點點而已。

    • 7.1毫米的厚度是近年来最薄的iPhone - 但是厚度是唯一减少的度量,比起去年的iPhone 5s (7.6毫米) 薄了些。

  4. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 就跟iPhone 5s 一樣,iPhone 6 Plus 有三种不同的颜色可以选择:银色,金色,和太空灰。我们当然选择了金色。

    • iPhone 6 Plus 的型号是 A1524。

    • 兩款iPhone 6模型的“凸点”摄像头使很多品論者非常懊恼。雖然镜头盖是用蓝宝石玻璃制成的,我們還是很懷疑這個设计选择到底耐不耐用。

    • HTC One M8很类似,iPhone 6 Plus也拥有两条塑胶天线在外壳上。这两条天线帮助在本来会完全阻断收讯的全金属外壳上加强无线收讯。

    I'm pretty sure the lens cover is no longer made of sapphire. Can you guys confirm that?

    Joey Geraci - 回复

    Apple's technical specification explicitly states that it IS sapphire.


    henry3dogg -

  5. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 看来苹果公司还是没有把五角(Pentalobe)螺丝换回十字形的Phillips螺丝。幸运的是我们随身带着我们的Pro Tech Screwdriver Set 来帮助我们拿下这烦人的五角螺丝。

    • 虽然我们不喜欢这些专利螺丝,但是值得高兴的是我们不需要用加热的方式来拆解。

  6. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 是该利用iSclack了!这个小帮手帮助我们简单的将显示屏从后机体分离开。

    • 我们小心翼翼地继续拆解——上一次的惊喜教会我们慢慢来。

    • 在确定没有陷阱的状况下,我们继续打开我们的金色百宝箱。

    • 苹果公司重新绕了Touch ID的感应电缆,让我们想起了iPhone 5简洁的设计(以及非常安全的拆解过程)——还是目前可修复性贏得最高分的iPhone.

    • 跟iPhone 5s 非常类似,显示屏的电线非常牢固的用金属托架固定在逻辑板上。

  7. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 把屏幕移开后,我们第一次清楚看见iPhone 6 Plus的内幕。

    • iPhone 6 Plus的内部布局似乎跟5s非常相似,只是更大一点。最明显的区别是一个更大的电池。

    any word on the display maker/materials?

    some - 回复

  8. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 主页按键组件由一个金属支架固定着。卸下支架后我們可以简单地把主页按钮从前面板组件里弹出來。

    • 这个设计同于去年的主页按键 。它是模块化的,哪怕修复它可能要耗费一点时间。

  9. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 前置摄像头是更大的电缆组件中的一部分,其中还包括了耳机扬声器。它们都在前面板组件里。

    I'm a little confused.. Shouldn't there be mroe of a teardown on the screen? Seems the backplate on the LCD would have some ribboncable hidden beneath it?

    MobiFix - 回复

    Can the front camera b removed without interupting the function of the earpiece speaker?

    lzsdn - 回复

    My iphone 6 plus has a webbed screen however everything works 100%. I bought a replacement "glass front screen" off ebay and attempted to replace it yesterday. It appears that the front glass screen is glued onto the backplate. Can you confirm? I can provide an image of the screen I bought on ebay if that helps. Thanks

    Aruba1 - 回复

  10. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 接下來我们卸下了前面板组件的金属板。

    • 今天在维修上的一个大胜利是发现了苹果公司已完全重新设计将主页按钮键连接到主板上的方式。再也看不到之前在iPhone 5s上的别扭而且脆弱的电缆了。相反,苹果公司已经努力改良,让主页按钮键的电缆一路绕道电话的另一端。我们很高兴看到这一大进步!

    • 我们实在想不出来除了提高可维修性还有什么别的理由会让苹果公司加长电缆。感谢你,苹果!

    Apple is most likely primarily focused on the ease of assembly rather than ease of repair.

    Hacked2123 - 回复

    Exactly. A short cable that has to be attached like the iPhone 5S means a time-robbing assembly step that's done in tight situations.

    Making the cable long may cost 10 cents more in materials costs, but if it saves the worker 20 seconds of time, it increases manufacturing throughput of that worker and thus makes up for the extra cost.

    Worf - 回复

  11. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 合理的下一步是把电池从iPhone 6 Plus取出来。

    • 金属连接器的盖子很容易的就被我们拿掉了。

    • 在电池的下方我们找到了一些粘拉片。

    • 当我们发现了粘拉片时,我们知道只能有两种下场:拉对方向,一切都没事;拉错方向,乃么卵。

    • 这种粘合剂很类似3M的无痕胶,当你正确地拉动标签时应该整条断开。

    Is it Possible to remove the Logic Board right after removing the screen without having to remove the battery or anything else?

    Aaron Richey - 回复

  12. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 一旦找着了正道,43克的电池神奇地和外壳分离了。

    • 正如流言所说,电池额定电压3.82伏特,储能11.1瓦时,共计2915毫安时—— 比iPhone 5s(1560毫安时)多出近一倍的容量,而且也比 Galaxy S5 的2880毫安时容量多一点。

    • 有了更大容量 的电池,又提高了电源效率,苹果公司宣称在3G上通话时间可达24小时,待机时间可达384小时。

    • Plus的电池比iPhone 6的6.91瓦时,1810毫安时的电池有更大的容量,这也解释了为什么更大的屏幕反而带来了更长的续航

    How much does the battery weigh ? Is the mA density per gram higher than previous generations ?

    Joao Fabio Tavares - 回复

    Correct me if I am wrong - at 3.82 V and 11.1 Wh, isn't the battery more like 2905 mAh?

    Valserp - 回复

    Can anyone tell me what the minimum A or mA will be to charge the phones? Curious if some 3rd party power banks I have will still work.

    nmccmv12 - 回复

  13. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 前所未见!我们发现了新的东西。振动器位于电池的右侧,在逻辑电路板的下方。

    • 你还记得Jimmy吗?肯定是吧,大家都记得他。在Jimmy的帮助下,我们顺利撬开了振动器。多谢,Jimmy!

    • 在振动器的电机里面我们发现了一团看起来易碎的铜线圈。它们产生交替的磁场震动一块挂在几个弹簧上的永磁体。

    What kinds of vibrator? Looks different from the conventional. What are the dimensions of the vibrator?

    Louis Jeong - 回复

    i think its new apple made and we will see some similar in the apple watch (taptic engine)

    3gfisch -

    The vibrator isn't the common motor/counterweight type. It seems like a linear see-saw motor, using the magnets themselves as the moving masses.

    raymondjram -

    Annoyingly loud, this new vibrator. Calling it "silent" mode is now pushing it.

    b c - 回复

  14. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 后方的摄像头用一对镊子很容易的就取出來了。

    • iSight摄像头的背面标志为DNL43270566F MKLAB。

    • 跟iPhone5s一樣,6 Plus配有一个800万像素(以1.5微米像素) 和ƒ/2.2光圈后置摄像头。 6 Plus新增加了兩個功能:光学图像防抖动功能,和"Focus Pixel"自动对焦。

    • 自动对焦其實已經存在與數位單眼相機的圈子裡一陣子了,可是對於智能手机來說還算是蠻新的。但是iPhone 6 和 6 Plus 並不是第一個使用這個功能的 - Samsung Galaxy S5先用了

    Invensense OIS in rear camera?

    Piy - 回复

    it does not seem so

    visiblenoise -

    invensense in rear facing camera???????

    nann - 回复

    INVN in the cam?

    T1138 - 回复

    sony sensor or no? Which?

    seff - 回复

    Is it possible to put 8MP camera of iPhone 6 plus in iPhone 6 ?

    youplaou - 回复

    Step 17:


    Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.


    I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?

    DoubleBagel - 回复

    Is there a small strap by the rear facing camera that is necessary for functionality? if so what is the part number or id? Thanks

    alexiskf - 回复

    • Such wiggles. Much wiggles.

  15. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 苹果公司最喜欢专注于自己的相机,主题演讲中吹捧iPhone为世界上最流行的相机。那么,到底什么是在镜头后面?让我们来瞧一瞧...

    • 用著我們的塑膠把柄和稳定的手指頭們,我们取出了相机外壳。

    • 虽然看起來沒有很多不同,iPhone 6 Plus 經過更新的摄像头(以及更高的存储容量)已经引起了独立制片人的興趣。我们只希望这台相机為了特写镜頭而做好準備...

    Metal shield, 6 pins. What is is Captain!

    Evil Otaku - 回复

  16. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 讓我們來更进一步来看看后方摄像头。

    • 在的镜头的下方,我们可以看見相机的传感器。

    • 真正区别iPhone 6 和6 Plus的关键功能在于6 Plus相机的光学图像防抖动功能: 一个我们已经见识过的技术。在左侧的透镜元件被嵌套到一个微小的金属笼里,被围绕着右侧传感器的电磁线圈 轻轻推着。

    • 陀螺仪和M8运动协处理器持續的給iPhone 6 Plus资料關於你搖搖晃晃的手。經過這些資料,它可以通过快速移动的透镜组件來补偿。因此,你可以照出更加锐利,清晰的照片,即使在低光环境下。

  17. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 是该移除逻辑板了。看起来逻辑板被几个螺丝紧紧的固定在后盖外壳上。

    • 但是在这样做之前,我们記得要先解開逻辑板背面的天线连接器。

  18. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,2
    • 讓我們來识别一些逻辑板前方的集成电路:

    • Apple A8 APL1011 SoC + Elpida 1 GB LPDDR3 RAM (as denoted by the markings EDF8164A3PM-GD-F)

    • Qualcomm MDM9625M LTE Modem

    • Skyworks 77802-23 Low Band LTE PAD

    • Avago A8020 High Band PAD

    • Avago A8010 Ultra High Band PA + FBARs

    • TriQuint TQF6410 3G EDGE power amplifier module

    • InvenSense MP67B 6-axis gyroscope and accelerometer combo

    Can you tell if the A8 was manufactured by Samsung or TSMC?

    halo1982 - 回复

    The A8 was definitely manufactured by TSMC in TAIWAN!~

    Benson -

    who won the gyro/accelerometer???

    DeandreCole - 回复

    Invensense !

    Piy -

    It looks like there is another accelerometer right next to the IMU... Might be that they are having problems with Invensense?

    visiblenoise -

    Can you open the rear facing camera to see if Invensense is in it?

    nann - 回复

    Love you Invensense gyroscope :))= :)

    Piy - 回复

    Is there a small Qualcomm IC next to the Avago and Skyworks parts with a QFE 11xx number?

    Chris - 回复

    You're correct Chris! It's a Qualcomm QFE1100.

    Geoff Wacker -

    Where is the barometer? Is it from Bosch?

    Nick Wong - 回复

    yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.p...

    hmm778 -

  19. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,1
    • 更多集成电路在逻辑板前方。

    • Qualcomm QFE1000 Envelope Tracking IC

    • RFMD RF5159 Antenna Switch Module

    • SkyWorks 77356-8 Mid-Band PAD

  20. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,1
    • 逻辑板後方。

    • SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash

    • Murata 339S0228 WiFi Module

    • Apple/Dialog 338S1251-AZ Power Management IC

    • Broadcom BCM5976 touchscreen controller

    • NXP LPC18B1UK ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers (also known as the M8 Motion Coprocessor)

    • NXP 65V10 NFC module + Secure Element (Most likely contains an NXP PN544 NFC controller inside)

    • Qualcomm WTR1625L RF Transceiver

    NFC is not connected to the battery right? It could never be used to wirelessly charge correct?

    Court Kizer - 回复

    That's correct.

    Kyle Wiens -

    holy crap you guys getting nerd hard ons ... where the F#$ is my pocket protector %#*@ IT ALL!!!

    Hayward Life - 回复

    Big business. For instance Invensense in iPhones for first time ever. If they are in the 6 also, that is 200+million chips sold over the next year. Revenues/Cash Flow up. Buy some stock(hopefully you already owned some or atleast some calls)! This teardown represents billions of dollars.....the question is who's making it. Its not all about iPhones and pocket protectors....its more about making stacks and stacks of money. One day you will figure it out.

    dt40 -

    Any chance you could remove the cover of the Murata 339S0228 Wi-Fi Module to see what's inside?

    Michael - 回复

    Can you confirm the M8 part no. LPC18B1UK isn't in the NXP manual; LPC185x is.

    Anthony - 回复

    OK, looks like M8 is an LPC18B1UK as stated....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_M7

    Anthony - 回复

    any view of the NFC antenna?

    Raymond Yu - 回复

    any fix for tactil bug?

    arseneaudave - 回复

    Variant: A 128GB model uses proprietary Toshiba (now Kioxia) NAND instead of SK Hynix.

    Roland Metivier - 回复

  21. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,2
    • 更多集成电路在逻辑板後方。

    • Qualcomm WFR1620 receive-only companion chip。 Qualcomm 声明 WFR1620 是 "有需要用它來执行载波聚合WTR1625L."

    • Qualcomm PM8019 power management IC

    • Texas Instruments 343S0694 touch transmitter

    • AMS AS3923 boosted NFC tag front end

    • 我们相信这只是一个AMSAS3922简单的小改版,这使得“支付功能在超小范围像SIM卡和μSD“。

    • Cirrus Logic 338S1201 audio codec

    • 我們誠心感謝Chipworks的朋友們幫忙我們ID所有的技术。沒有你們的協助我們做不了的!

    What's a "touch transmitter"?

    - Texas Instruments 343S0694 Touch Transmitter

    I can't believe they use two controllers for the touch screen?!?

    in step 21: Broadcom BCM5976 Touchscreen Controller

    tre - 回复

    Does anyone know how much the AMS chip costs (ballpark)?

    John Winters - 回复

    The guys from NFCworld found the ams chip now: http://www.ams.com/eng/Products/NFC-HF-R...

    Seems you cannot find it Googling for it.

    From the block diagram it seems the AS3923 is connecting to the antenna not the NFC controller.

    Fits to the description saying that the chip is replacing the drivers of the controller.

    They also mention to support peer to peer and other modes so we can hope for more than just payment it seems ;) Cant wait to get one...

    Force - 回复

    There is the Barometer below the SanDisk NAND Flash. Looks like a BMP from Bosch Sensortec

    Joe Ortaniak - 回复

    yeah, the bosch sensor is missing in the teardown: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.p...

    hmm778 -

    Do other phone manufacturers use an NFC booster or is this unique to IP6?

    John Winters - 回复

  22. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 3,3
    • 卸下了iPhone 6 Plus唯一的扬声器。

    • 扬声器模块化的设计是值得表扬的,即使所有标记都看不清楚。这款扬声器的制造原厂在目前还是保密状态。

    On the lower-left corner of the front of the speaker (second image, can't tell if front or back, guessing front), you can see what looks like a QR code and a serial number, but that's just out of focus enough so it's impossible to make out.

    Danny Dalton - 回复

    The barcode reads DXY43443115G34YAU dun think you can decipher anything from it.

    lawrence -

  23. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 3,3
    • Lightning连接器包括來耳机插孔,Lightning接口,和几條天线连接器。

    • 像这样的电缆包装会节省很多的空间,但是当你的耳机插孔决定它不喜欢每一天被拉扯时,它就不太理想了。

    Is the 6 plus completely Samsung free ?

    Tochi Nwa - 回复

    At first blush, it appears so! Taking inventory of all the components, I noticed that as well.

    karrock -

    Who got microphones? Some users have issues with it. There should be 3 mics in total. Anybody know who supply it and is it possible to replace it with anything else? Thank you

    Laimo - 回复

    Wondering the same thing as Laimo. Thx!

    Sam Slant - 回复

    Do you have pictures of the other side of the power cable?

    George - 回复

  24. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 3,3
    • 天线无处不在! 尤其可以在后部外壳上方找到很多条天线。

    Hello. What is that cable (821-2294-05)?

    Mac Davis - 回复

    What is the function of that cable or antenna

    Albert Nana Essel - 回复

  25. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 26 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 26 中的图像 3,3
    • 当我们接近拆解尾端时,我们找到了电源按钮带状电缆组件和音量按钮带状电缆组件两者。

    • 这两对组件都有零件串在脆弱的电缆上,看起来像在微微闪烁的小灯光。

    re: SYX2 - get it? the industrial design team name for the case is SYX 2 i.e. the 6.2 inches in length of the case.

    Jay - 回复

    I really don't get it still...

    Hacked2123 -

    Wow, that took me an embarrassingly longtime to get syx (six) 2 (two).

    Hacked2123 -

  26. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 27 中的图像 2,2
    • 在这里我们是喜欢按按钮的。我们特别觉得这个围绕着电源按钮的新橡胶垫片特别有意思。

    • 类似的橡胶垫片也环绕着音量按钮。总之,这似乎代表了苹果公司可能在防水/防尘这一方面进步,因此也提高了耐用性。

    Those ugly plastic stripes / inlays / antenna break-throughs – are the replaceable? Any chance anybody will offer a replacement for them which better meet the metal colors?

    Yves Luther - 回复

    Does either iPhone 6 actually feature official water resistance to any degree?

    Joey Geraci - 回复

  27. iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 6 Plus 拆解: 步骤 28 中的图像 2,2
    • 我們終於剷除了巨人。 而iPhone 6 Plus 在我們的可修复性得分赢得了可观的七分,比iPhone5s更加改善了。原因如下:

    • 继续著iPhone5系列的大趋势下,显示器還是手机第一個可以拆除的組裝,完全简化了屏幕维修。

    • 电池也是可以很容易解除的。除去它需要用到专有的五角(Pentalobe) 螺丝刀和了解如何去除胶粘剂,但是并不难。

    • 指纹感应器的电缆已重新繞路,改良了iPhone 5s可修复性的问题,并使得手机更可以容易及安全的被拆解。(之前在5s,如果用户打开时手机時不小心會很容易撕裂电缆。)

    • iPhone 6 Plus 仍然在使用专有的五角(Pentalobe) 螺丝,需要用到特殊的螺丝刀才能卸下。

    • 苹果公司還是不同意將iPhone 6 Plus的维修資料分享給独立维修店或者給消费者。

    5s? Pretty sure this was a 6 plus? =)

    MobiFix - 回复

    Whoops... fixed! :)

    Luke Soules -

    OK, using pentalobe screws is kind of annoying, but you guys sell the driver for $8. Given how smoothly the disassembly went it doesn't seem fair to give a red dot (and maybe a drop from 8 to 7) for the requirement of an $8 part when repairing an $800 device.

    Eric Domb - 回复

    The battery though....

    ISMAIL OMAR - 回复

    But can you put it back together?

    Mark Bliss - 回复


en zh


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How much is the Ram?1G?2G?

jamdali5 - 回复

If this has 1GB of RAM, it's going to be bricked like iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 with 3GS specs and 4x pixels can't run iOS7, like iPhone 4S can't handle iOS8, like iPad 1's 256MB of RAM, like iPad 3 with 4x pixels on iPad 2 specs. iPhone 5 will run iOS11 fine with 1GB and iPhone 6 Plus will lag with less available memory.

iphone6splus -

the problem of iphone 4/4s aint the memory is the processor, unlike android, ios pause all the applications and tasks that are running on the background otherwise the applications on android are still rinning on the background thatswhy android need more processing power and memory to hold the entire system.

yeison_polaco -

amount on ram in 6+???

bowsa2511 - 回复

Ram of CPU is 1 GB

Joel Morales -

RAM is 1 GB, that's been confirmed by several people already (including Macworld).

Eric - 回复

I'm guessing 1 gig for the ram

Steve - 回复

Macworld didn't confirm it. They said it appears to be 1GB.

iphone6splus - 回复

Android Users be like: Please let it be 1 gig memory...Apple Users like: Oh no,hopefully he does not scratch it.

Steve - 回复

Shame that Android users weren't bright enough to realise that a phone based of [a ripoff] Java machine is going to need absurd amounts of memory. Which is why Android phones fail so badly when the user runs multiple applications.

henry3dogg -

INVN OIS in the rear facing camera?

Dre1107 - 回复

You guys used a 54-bit toolkit to repair a 64-bit phone? That's not enough power! You need an upgrade! :-D

zeromeus - 回复

YES! You need at least 128 bits.

Ari Porad -

iPhone 6 4.7 inch model teardown too? Or only Plus for now? Even thought it's the same internals on the board it's a different design after that.

Alec - 回复

We're doing the 6 Plus first. Fret not, the iPhone 6 isn't getting off the hook. :)

Jeff Suovanen -

RAM is 1G according to the part no. F8164A3PM-GD-F (8 stands for 8Gb=1GB)

Benson - 回复

16 stands for 16Gb=2GB

iphone6splus -

'8' stands for 8Gb=1GB (for 2GB SDRAM, the part no. will be 'A')

"64" stands for 64-bit data width (for 32-bit SDRAM, the part no. will be "32")

The datasheet of Elpida SDRAM can be found here: http://www.micron.com/-/media/documents/...

Benson -

F8164A3PM had 0 results. You should've said EDF8164A3PM. Thanks for the link!

iphone6splus -

Where do you see that in this article?

fish -

It's on the A8 chip. Step 15, image 2.

iphone6splus -

Ah, unfortunate. This is my first iphone, !&&* my last android I bought a bit over two years ago had double the ram of this. Oh well, so it goes

fish -

The part no. of SDRAM (F8164A3PM-GD-F) can be found on the right of Apple A8 SOC.

According to the datasheet, F is the product family (Mobile LPDDR3 SDRAM); A is the power supply interface (1.8V and 1.2V); 3 is the revision; PM is the package code.

This SDRAM should be a customized product with customized package (the SDRAM in Apple A7 SOC is F8164A1PD while the standard part no. is F8164A1MA).

Benson -

Benson, you made it on MacRumors, congrats. http://www.macrumors.com/2014/09/18/ipho...

iphone6splus -

They know all we care about is the RAM. But its been largely already confirmed to be 1 gig, probably 99% confirmed.

fish - 回复

Thanks for doing this!!!

TechRx - 回复

Will they open the A8 SoC to check suppliers???

DeandreCole - 回复

ram is 1gb, been confirmed by many, here's one http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.p...

minh - 回复

INVENSENSE OIS in the rear camera?

steve - 回复

Is the speaker louder than the iPhone 5s?

Alex Ortiz - 回复

Optical image stabilization by Invensense?!?

nann - 回复

Is the tear down complete? Who won the gyro/accelerometer? Invensense?

steve - 回复

InvenSense did indeed supply the gyro/accelerometer.

Geoff Wacker -

Does anyone know where you can buy that camera assembly?

Jason McMinn - 回复

What about compass and the advertised barometer?

Pavel - 回复

Take look at the position of the pressure sensor:


Joe Ortaniak -

So what's inside the Murata wi-fi module? Based on the marking, it looks pretty similar from IP5s's wi-fi module (with Broadcom's chipset). Can you please confirm? Thanks.

Chris - 回复

can you check to see if the camera ring is magnetic in anyway ?? there was a patent filed back in jan 2014 for a similar magnetic ring by apple. and the ring is what ether keeps the camera steady or what holds on different lenses. i think this is maybe why the camera protrudes.

misterkrad - 回复

dt40 please elaborate on this "making fat stacks". You have my attention...

Jonathan Bell - 回复

Any snapshot of the internals so I can use it as my wallpaper when I get the phone? Thanks.

WL Wong - 回复

Could you identify display manufacturer?

Osman Zengin - 回复

Where is the NFC antenna? How small it is to put into iphone?

Jay - 回复

It involves the entire top frame, looks pretty complex.

Tom Chai -

Step 19: InvenSense MP67B 6-axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer Combo

RJG - 回复

I would say MP576 from zoom of photo

Anthony -

I'm amazed at how people do not understand RAM usage in a modern OS. Android still suffers from outdated methods, so it needs more RAM. iOS and WP do not need more RAM. More RAM would provide zero benefit.

scottwilkins - 回复

Tell that to me next time your safari tabs reload after you load 3 simultaneously.

Joey Geraci -

Be reasonable Scott. If he was bright enough to understand that, he wouldn't have bought Android in the first place.

henry3dogg -

Android can do more at once, its not an outdated method, its flexibility. iOS and WP are simpler, which suits their userbase..

chrisM -

He's right. Java requires an absurd amount of RAM since it is an interpreted language, meaning that your phone has to recompile an application every few seconds! But iPhone runs on C++ which is super conservative with ram and in all honesty, all iPhone apps only need at max 312mb of ram while Android uses the whole lot.

Joshua Sandoval -

My A7 can handle over 20 tabs at once and never lag- Apple for the win :)

Gigabit87898 -

Any idea what the layer count of the circuit board is?

Steve - 回复

So is this USB 3.0 capable?

Fee Knix - 回复

The USB 3 extension, USB Type-C will attempt to bring USB 3 up to the level of the Lightning connector.

henry3dogg -

Step 17:


Constant readings from the gyroscope and the M8 motion coprocessor give the iPhone 6 Plus detailed data on the movements of your shaky human hands, allowing it to compensate by rapidly moving the lens assembly. Result: sharper, clearer photos, even in low-light environments.


I am still puzzled by the fact that both models have the M8 and MP67B chips. So, why do you say that OIS is only in the 6+ model?

DoubleBagel - 回复

The best part about the iPhone 6 plus is it's size. I think Apple are really out there satisfying two variants of customers - those who prefer large screens and those who are comfortable with the smaller screens. Also, I kinda found this awesome site that is already giving them away in Dubai before everyone else. You guys should check em' out - http://www.alshop.com/apple-iphone-6

Akhil Arun Kumar - 回复

Can you do an itemised list of all the components so we know how much it costs to manufacture botth iPhone 6 & plus.

teradil - 回复

Wait.. There is no strengthening frame in this thing, they are relying on the aluminium back for strength? Is that why there are reports of so many bent and damaged phones? Thats just bad design.

chrisM - 回复

@ifixit: what's the thickness of the rear case enclosure?

Homer - 回复

Why are people so caught up on the RAM? It's like assuming that a V6 engine is going to be better than a turbo charged 4-cylinder solely because it has more cylinders. It's all about what you can do with it. Yeah, the iPhone 6 only has 1GB of RAM but with Apple's know-how it's like getting the speed & performance of a V8 but with the gas mileage of a 4-cylinder engine. It's win-win. It's great that your phone has 4 or more GB of RAM but that doesn't stop my 1GB phone from blowing your battery covers off in the Geek Bench 1/4 mile.

jkoobers - 回复

Is there a way to improve wifi signal by using a longer antenna?

Oozi - 回复

Is there a way to improve wifi signal by replacing the antenna with a longer one or by some other method?

Oozi - 回复

Is there a way to improv wifi signal with a longer antenna or by any any other means?

Oozi - 回复

Where is the memory card?

Jalen Thomas - 回复

Is this true? anyone heard or read about this? please confirm if you have time


johanna palisoc - 回复

Apple's website seems to suggest the various flavours of iPhone 6 Plus have support from 3 up to 6 separate mobile standards (A1522 vs. A1524 vs. CDMA vs. GSM flavours). From the chips you saw in the teardown, do you think the various support indicates hardware variations for each model? Or do you think the hardware is the same for all models, and the flavours are a result of the regional firmware installed?

Nico - 回复

Anyway to tell the clock speed difference between iPhone 6 and 6 plus ..bcoz 6 plus has such more pixels to deal with...so I think speed should be different

Sahil - 回复

is that the same touch screen controller from Texas Instruments they are using since the first iPhone ever???

Syd Pao - 回复

LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable for iPhone 6 Plus at http://www.laimarket.com/lcd-display-dig...

Dean - 回复

LCD Display Digitizer Touch Screen Extension Testing Flex Cable at http://www.laimarket.com/lcd-display-dig...

Dean - 回复

Which Bluetooth Chipset is used in 6 Plus

Krishna Tawar - 回复

Beau boulot Cool !☺

Chercheurs - 回复

They know all we care about is the RAM. But its been largely already confirmed to be 1 gig, probably 99% confirmed. http://www.crazydeals.com

Komal Khan - 回复

Question - My logic board needs to be replaced on my Iphone 6+. This is going to sound really stupid, but. I have a 5C, could I switch the logic board with the 5C and possibly have the 5C run the 6+ display? If not, that's cool it's a long shot completely.

jeffclapp - 回复

Does anybody know where the 2247-A grounding connector belongs?

Samuel King - 回复

Alguien me puede aclarar estaduda tengo una tarjeta que tiene fracturada el ( Hynix H2JTDG8UD1BMS 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash) sera reparable remplazando esa pieza con otro telefono

kelvis - 回复

if the battery was kept disconnected for a long time will the iPhone data be damaged?

Dany - 回复

Is anyone familiar with the " field test" mode which displays received signal strength in dBm? If so I'm trying to determine which module in the assembly performs this function.

Scapasso@microphase.com - 回复

Can you put the insides from a iPhone 6 into a 6 plus?

David locke - 回复

Did anyone answer your question? I have been extremely curious about that because I have both phones. I've been looking everywhere but not official answer

Sare -

No, you can’t. The components may be similar-looking, but they are not compatible.

Jeff Suovanen -

Hola, he adquirido una bateria nueva en ifixit para el iphone 6 plus y queria saber si despues de haberla instalado en el telefono, hay que reiniciarlo o conectarlo a itunes?

Gracias un saludo


Emilio Manuel Arias Jimenez - 回复

where is the location for the wifi antenna FLEX cable? is it behind the motherboard like iphone 6?

nads - 回复

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Waheed Luqman - 回复

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Waheed Luqman - 回复

I have been using your Ifixit tutorials for ages. They are by far the most reliable when needing a guide on complicated repairs!

Warren Ganser - 回复



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