本指南介绍了如何为大多数 21.5 英寸 Intel iMac 更换胶条。本指南中的某些图片使用的是较旧的 iMac,在视觉上存在细微差别,但这些差别不会影响维修步骤。
在这个步骤中使用的工具:iMac Intel 21.5" Cardboard Service Wedge$4.99
一旦铰链可以自由移动,iMac 将失去平衡,难以操作。在支架上放置一个 iMac 支架 以稳定 iMac。
清除所有旧胶条后,用高浓度异丙醇(90% 或更高)和无绒布仔细擦去胶条残留物。顺着一个方向擦拭,不要来回擦拭。
如果你的 iMac 没有麦克风孔,请对齐胶条的右端,使 L 形弯头位于右侧垂直粘合剂旁边. L 形弯曲不应与右侧垂直胶条重叠。
对齐胶条后,小心地将左侧露出的边缘固定在 iMac 上,以确保对齐。
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Used this guide and the official iFixit strips and everything worked great, until about 6 months later when the screen fell out. I had cleaned off all dust and checked the screen 24 hours later as recommended. Is there anything I could have done better? When I reattach it with new strips I’m going to lay it upward with light pressure around the edges for 24 hours.
I’m sorry to hear that! If you can, please contact our customer support and give them some details on where the adhesive gave out. It may have been defective strips—they can get you sorted out if that’s the case!
In the final stage of removing the numbered tab, the blue tab for the lower portion of strip 3 cam off before revealing any of the white release film. Do you have any tips on how to remove it once it’s stuck everywhere else or is it a case of just leaving it.
Adam Court - 回复
Hey Adam! You can try inserting a needle or the point of a pair of tweezers underneath the white liner. You may be able to loosen the liner enough to grasp and remove it. Otherwise, if it's a small portion, I wouldn't worry too much about it.