

Steam Deck SSD 更换



  1. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 为拆解Steam Deck作准备: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 为拆解Steam Deck作准备: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 为拆解Steam Deck作准备: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 在开始维修之前,让您的 Steam Deck 开机并让电池放电至 25% 以下,因为电力充足的锂离子电池如果被意外刺破会很危险。

    • 作为额外的预防措施,Valve 建议在开始任何内部维修之前,将您的 Steam Deck 在 BIOS 中设置为电池存储模式在此处阅读如何操作。

    • 关闭您的 Steam Deck 并拔下所有线缆。

    • 如果您安装了 microSD 卡,请确保在打开 Steam Deck 之前将其移除。 如果您尝试在后盖仍然安装的情况下卸下后盖,它可能会裂成两半。

    • 在维修过程中,有时将 Steam Deck 面朝下放入其外壳中以保护操纵杆并防止摇晃会很有帮助。

  2. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除后盖螺丝: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • 用十字螺丝刀拆卸固定后盖的 8 颗螺丝:

    • 四个 9.5 毫米长的粗螺纹螺丝

    • 四个 5.8 毫米长的细螺纹螺丝

    • 尽管有相关标准,但十字螺丝刀的尺寸和形状可能各不相同——两把标有相同尺寸的螺丝刀在插入同一个螺丝时可能会有差异。请使用与螺丝头最贴合的尺寸。

    • 切记在修理过程中管理好你的螺丝。确保它从哪里来回哪里去,避免损坏你的 Steam Deck。

  3. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 松开后盖: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 松开后盖: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 沿着右握把的边缘,在后盖和前壳之间的细缝中插入一个塑料片。

    • 如果您在将三角撬片插入把手接缝时遇到问题,请尝试先从顶部或底部长边开始,然后将镐滑向把手。

    • 撬起后盖,将其从卡扣中释放出来。

  4. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除后盖: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除后盖: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除后盖: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 一旦一个卡扣松开,剩下的就很容易打开了。

    • 在你刚刚打开的开口处抓住后盖,沿着长边把它拉起来。

    • 移除后盖。

  5. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 揭开覆盖在螺丝上的贴纸: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 揭开覆盖在螺丝上的贴纸: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 如果你的Steam Deck是带有黑色主板盖的新版 Steam Deck,请跳过此步骤。

    • 使用镊子掀开这片金属贴纸,露出防护板上的螺丝。

    • 小心,尽量不要扯坏这片贴纸以备重复利用。真弄坏了就剪点铝箔胶带代替。

  6. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除防护板螺丝: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除防护板螺丝: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 用十字螺丝刀拧下三个固定防护板的螺丝:

    • 一个3.4毫米螺丝

    • 两个3.7毫米螺丝

    • 新版 Steam Deck 只有左侧边缘的两个3.7毫米螺丝。

  7. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除防护板: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除防护板: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除防护板: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 把防护板拿走吧。

    • 根据你的 Steam Deck 的使用年限,这个保护罩可能会粘在下面的隔热垫上。

    • 组装的时候,确保风扇的线没有被压在屏防护板下面

  8. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 断开电池: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 断开电池: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 断开电池: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 捏住电池插头上的小把手,平行于主板向外拉,确保电池完全断开。

    • 你也可以用一根撬棒的平头或是指甲来轻轻将电池插头推出插座,然后用手将插头拉出使电池完全断开。

  9. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 卸下SSD螺钉: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,1
    • 把这个固定SSD的3.4mm的螺丝用十字螺丝刀拧出。

  10. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 卸下SSD: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 卸下SSD: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 拧出SSD螺丝后SSD会弹出来。

    • 抓住SSD的尾部,将SSD从M.2接口中抽出。

    • 装入SSD的时候,将SSD斜插入M.2接口并上紧螺丝,上螺丝后确保SSD呈水平状态。

  11. Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除SSD防静电罩: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除SSD防静电罩: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Steam Deck SSD 更换, 移除SSD防静电罩: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • Steam Deck的SSD外面有防静电罩保护,你需要把这层罩移到你的新SSD上。你可以在这里买到新的防静电罩。

    • 使用镊子将屏蔽层从固态硬盘上剥离。

    • 如果感觉屏蔽层不好拆,就用镊子将屏蔽层剥开并取下。若你还想重复使用,请注意尽可能使其保持其最佳状态。

    • 现在就只剩下SSD了。

    • Steam Deck使用单面颗粒的M.2 2230固态硬盘。

    • 按照Valve的Steam Deck 指南恢复、修复或重新镜像你的Steam Deck的SSD。

    • 注意:从镜像文件恢复SSD之后,Steam Deck 的按键、摇杆、触控板可能会无法识别输入。请用触控屏完成 SteamOS 的初始化设定,让其下载更新文件。安装更新并重新启动之后,输入应该会恢复正常。



要使用SteamOS恢复、修复或重新映像Steam Deck的SSD,请遵循Valve的官方指引

Steam Deck recovery instructions.

请将你的电子垃圾带到R2或e- steward认证的回收商.

维修过程不顺利?看看这些简单的除错指南, 或者到我们的Steam Deck 问题社区 寻找解答.



en zh


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idk why valve couldn't have just made the m.2 slot a 2230/2242/2260 & 2280 m.2 NVMe SSDs support??/ they could have done it! im hoping someone out there can make a new back shell that includes the nvme. m2 adapter riser cable extender that moves the nvme ssd to the back case somewhere else with more room and to also not only allow for better cooling of the SSD but also allows us to use any size m.2 nvme SSDs like 2230 up to 2280 m.2 size ssds as i have tons of gen3 x4 2280 nvme ssd lying around from all my AMD ryzen machines from my 1800X X370 all way up to X570 and 5700X / 5800X & 5800X3D etc..

adamnfs2 - 回复

I think it has to do with power draw... The Steam Deck isn't designed to cope with a incredibly fast (and power hungry) 2280 drive. I learned this the hard way on my laptop. I changed the drive myself to a 5500MB/s one and I could tell that not only did the SSD run hotter but also the components surrounding the SSD, it completely changed the thermal characteristics of the device. I added this drive to my desktop computer instead and bought a low powered one for the laptop. By having a 2230 drive on the Steam Deck, Valve forces users to choose drives that are typically designed for small and low powered devices.

Dennis -

lol thats a massive first world problem. we dont all have "tons" of m2 drives, ya know a reletively new tech, laying around

sk8r2211 -

and possibly even a m.2 door/cover to allow easier m.2 ssd removal W/O having to disassemble our steam deck! if the battery needs unplugged then a battery "KILLSWITCH" or "BATTERY DISCONNECT" Switch be also added to the decks after market backplate/cover to allow the steam decks battery to be disconnected from the unit with a toggle of a switch? allows for safter disassembly and m.2 SSD replacement with out having to repeatedly disassemble the steam deck....(SSD nand flash memory can fail) if i had the tools and capabilities to do this myself i would/ but i still dont even have my steam deck yet (Q3 July -Sept. 2022 ;( my friend just got his (ordered on same day) so WTF is mine valve!?????

adamnfs2 - 回复

It's already incredibly impressive that the Deck does what it does, at its price point, with its form factor. It'd be even bigger with any other physical features like that.

The unit isn't necessarily designed with modularity in mind, at least not first and foremost. People aren't "supposed" to be replacing these according to Valve; if that were the case then the internals would have to be shifted around quite a bit to ensure that people wouldn't be able to break stuff when they swap drives/etc. Although this is a very easy repair, people will inevitably mess it up. Valve doesn't want to have to replace everyone's devices if they destroy the internals on their own volition.

The fact that the SSD replacement process is this easy, and it doesn't instantly void your warranty, is amazing. Very few companies have this type of policy with hardware of this nature. A handheld device with fully upgrade-able storage to this extent has been neigh unheard of until now.

ralkia -



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