HTC Vive 手柄前面板按钮更换
转到步骤 1HTC Vive 手柄前面板按钮可能已磨损或因长时间使用而无法点击。这可能会导致使用过程中出现功能问题。取下纽扣时注意不要撕破橡胶针孔。本指南将向你展示如何更换前面板按钮。
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Okay great! But where can I buy replacement parts?
Thanks for the guide! Even though iFixit doesn’t have the replacement parts, I was able to fix my button that was off-center and get my controller back up and running! The only issue is that with step 5, the T5 screwdriver that comes with the iFixit tool kits doesn’t work, as it’s too wide. I had to go out and buy a narrower driver, but still much less expensive than the controller. Thanks again!
I had my front panel TOUCHPAD STUCK, in the sense it could sense my thumb touch, but NOT my thumb press on the upper-right part (presses on the other directions were detected). I figured out how to fix it:
The touchpad presses are detected by a little sensor on the controller: it’s the little pink button we can see on the picture of Step 8 on the dark-blue board. This button is pressed when pressing the touchpad, via a little black round plastic thingy behind the very center of the touchpad : we can see it on the top of picture of Step 11, the little black circle. If this black circle is off-center or simply *too low*, the contact with the pink button will not happen properly. I personnaly got the black circle thingy off, placed another thin layer of material below it (of approximately the size of the thingy) and placed it back, so it would be more in contact with the pink button. Solved on my both controllers !
Thanks for this really good guide which helped me solve this !
Jesuis Une - 回复
Hi! My ribbon cable to the touchpad is damaged. Does anyonw know whre to buy a replacment? Seems like it’s soldered to the rumblepack also.