

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Google Pixel 3a,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Google Pixel 3a 拆解, Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3a 拆解, Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 这款手机的配置并不能给人留下深刻印象,但是在这个价位还是不错的:

    • 5.6" OLED 屏幕(FHD+)分辨率 2220 × 1080 (441ppi)配备 Dragontrail 玻璃

    • 八核,64 bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 处理器(2.0 GHz + 1.7 GHz)配备 4 GB LPDDR4x RAM

    • 12.2 MP, ƒ/1.8, OIS 主摄像头 配备双像素相位自动对焦;8 MP 前置摄像头

    • 64 GB 内置储存

    • USB-C 还有神秘的 3.5 mm “耳机接口”

    • Android 9.0 Pie

    • 这台面向预算开发的 Pixel 也由它缺失的配置来定义:没有无线充电和防水防尘等级。2016 再临。

  2. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果你很着急,这里有一个 X 光的快速拆解说明——由 Creative Electron 提供

    • 那些没有 X 光力量的我们指南看到这质朴的聚碳酸酯外壳。

    • 聚碳酸酯材质应该比玻璃背板耐用,虽然它可能无法与从前金属结构的刚性匹敌。

    • Pixel 改变材质的同时保留了一项东西——背面的磨砂装饰

    • 顺带一提,Pixel 上最赞的部分——和Pixel 3系列差不多的后置摄像头——保证了这台中端手机的火力。

    • 转到这台手机的前面,我们注意到这台没有刘海的 3a 和标准的 Pixel 3 有相似的边框,但是只有一个前置摄像头。

  3. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 3a 看起来很像它的老大哥——Pixel 3,但是接缝更少。我们也拿到了一种相当独特的颜色,谷歌叫“有点紫(Purple-ish)”,但是我们叫它"灭霸版"

    • 无缝的外壳指出这台手机的突破口时屏幕——我们祝愿这意味着更换屏幕会比我们在 Pixel 3 上看到的更简单

    • 害怕它,逃离它,但是屏幕维修总会如期而至。

    • Google 也设法在这上面安上了耳机接口——这感觉在这个台廉价手机上是个豪华配置。

    • 从背面看,很难说出 3 和 3a 的不同,按理说脆弱的玻璃背盖会让手机更高级,但是我们在这里没感觉到什么区别,

    • iPhone XRGalaxy S10e 也想拿走你的手机预算——但是要 $700+,他们没有这么努力。Pixel 3a 选择了一颗较慢的处理器和塑料结构,还有其他的变化,带来了价格的极大降低。

    Il est équipé d'une recharge sans fil

    Laurent Guillet - 回复

  4. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 啥?没有 iOpener?即使它会有所帮助,这台手机不需要加热就可以打开——在当今世界可是非常稀有。

    • 一个海绵状,易分离的粘合剂固定了屏幕——这对维修来说是件好事。但是这导致了这台手机没有防水功能,所以要小心。

    • 这正常大小的边框使得这块昂过的 OLED 屏幕易于让我们找到地方下手。期待着这些,我们安全的划开了屏幕的边缘并拆了出来。

    • 就和以前一样,屏幕用一根柔性电缆拦截着主板。

    • 传言称这是一块 LG 制造的“gOLED”屏幕,但着无疑是 Samsung 制造的。

    • 剧透警告,我们也拆了 3a XL,也得到了一块 Samung 的面板

    • 此外,还有一款 Synaptics S3706 触屏控制器。

    Some additional notes:

    * It’s a T3 Torx

    * The foam adhesive is a PITA to remove from the body

    * The LCD+Screen is very flimsy

    If you need a repair guide, go to the Service Manual: Google Pixel 3a

    eduncan911 - 回复

    Would the screen be replaceable without secondary adhesive if one were to try this? I’m having the usual 3a battery issue, but I think a quick clean up of her components will do the trick for me

    Duke Sawyer - 回复

  5. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    Pro Tech Toolkit
    • 我们过分得准备了我们的 Pro Tech Toolkit 和它的 63 个批头——我们只需要一个来拧开这些梅花螺丝并移除中框,还有嵌入式听筒扬声器。

    • 在我们去电池的路上,我们折开了一些连接着 Active Edge 传感器的金色柔性电缆。在以前的 Pixel 里,这些电缆会从电池下面绕过去,看不到而且很容易因为不小心撬到损坏。很高兴他们放下了屠刀。

    • 继续拆下电池,两台胶带挡在了路上。我们抓住了拉条,它们走的很安详。成功啦!电池拿出来了。

    • 这块电池用自己的 11.55 Wh(3.86 V,3000 mAh)容量打败了 Pixel 3 的 11.2 Wh 电池。在 iPhone XR 和 Samsung Galaxy S10e 都在下降的时候,11.16 Wh和 11.94 Wh,值得尊敬。

    I have Anroid - Samsung J3emerage

    victoriatigue53 - 回复

  6. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 下一个拆出的是主板,一些紧密的天线藤壶连接在其下侧。

    • 我们的拆解工程师经常根据工作环境来开发出镊子。

    • 看着磕碜,但是又什么更好的镊子可以拿出一对小小的摄像头。

    • 3a 冲 Pixel 3 那继承了广受好评的 12.2 MP 后置摄像头。3a 只有一颗前置摄像头而不是 两颗 8 MP 前置摄像头。取了 ƒ/1.8 和 ƒ/2.2 的中间值 ƒ/2.0。

    @arthurshi what I’ve seen from you on these threads, I have a question. I am interested in locating all the microphones in the pixel 3a. Can you help me do that? Even just specifics where/what they are inside the phone would be of great help. Ultimately, I am looking to remove these components from the device.

    Anthony - 回复

    Hi Anthony!

    You may be able to de-solder the microphones from the boards, though I’m not certain if that will affect the phone startup or not (I theorize it shouldn’t). There is a microphone module on the motherboard near the camera. You should find a similarly shaped module on the on the daughterboard. Those are all that I know of that have external ports—there may be more, but it’s hard to tell without schematics.

    Arthur Shi -

  7. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 让我们一个个像素来分辨都是什么芯片。

    • Qualcomm SDM670 Snapdragon 670 八核处理器 + Adreno 615 GPU

    • Micron MT29VZZZAD8DQKSL 64 GB flash storage + 4 GB LPDDR4X DRAM

    • Avago AFEM-9046,可能是前端模块

    • Qorvo QM78035,可能是压控振荡器

    • Qualcomm PM670A PMIC

    • 而这一次,我们没有看到 Google 的 Pixel Visual Core,我们在最近几次 Pixel 拆解中都看到了。

    The storage and ram are both housed in the same chip? That’s very odd, usually the storage is housed in a separate chip.

    Garr Trigger - 回复

  8. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 反面:

    • Google H1C2M Titan M 安全芯片

    • STMicroelectronics ST33J2M0 ARM SecureCore 微控制器

    • Qualcomm WCN3990 无线二合一芯片

    • Qorvo QM78012 RF 融合模块

    • Qualcomm SDR660 RF 收发器

    • NXP 81B05 38 03 SSD902,可能是 NFC 控制器

    • Murata SWUA 370 90 和 Qualcomm PM670 PMIC

  9. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 拆完主板之后,桶里已经没有很多剩下的东西了。这不是件坏事,尤其当每个部件拆出来都很简单而且完整。

    • 我们先拿出了指纹传感器,连着它的波浪形尾巴柔性电缆。

    • 接着,这些塑料轨道——有两种左右,一是方便布线,二则把压感传感器固定好。

    • 在底部边缘,我们找到了模块化的 USB-C 接口!这是一个给易磨损部件的受欢迎设计,特别是 3a 没有提供无线充电功能。

    • 耳机接口也以超酷的模块化回归

    • 向南,我们也发现了震动马达——一个小小的,圆形线性马达,就和所有不是 Apple 或 Google 制造的智能手机一样。这台 Pixel 没有超棒的精密触觉马达

    If someone wanted to leave the fingerprint component out of the phone, would it cause and operating errors to simply remove the component?

    Anthony - 回复

  10. Google Pixel 3a 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 在完成了这次拆解挑战之后,我们将这些看起来无数的部件一一罗列开。

    • 虽然拆开这台手机远没有像拍张照片这么简单,但是我们的确很享受更可修复时代的回归。

    • 这款手机的可修复性评分怎么样?看看下面的分数吧!

    • 如果你在寻找这个系列的更多剧集,看看我们的 Pixel 3a XL 拆解视频吧。

    • 如果你像惊叹它的内在,我们给你准备了几张壁纸

  11. 最后的想法
    • 大多数部件是模块化的而且可以在屏幕部件被拆除后简单的更换。
    • 对维修友好的易拉胶固定了电池。
    • 只有一种标准 T3 梅花螺丝来固定。
    • 屏幕要先拆下来,但是很薄而且支撑很差。泡沫粘合剂使得拆解过程相对简单。
    • 无数的长且薄的柔性电缆连接了内部组件,惹人讨厌而且容易撕裂。


en zh


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By the way, is it true that there is no Pixel Visual Core (PVC) chip in the 3a/3a XL? Please let me know quickly.

Dinan Blueje - 回复

Hi Dinan,

From our motherboard inspection, we don’t see anything that would resemble the PVC. It is possible, though unlikely, that it’s layered under a chip.

Arthur Shi -

This was discussed during the product launch at Google I/O. There’s no PVC in the Pixel 3a. The computational photography did a lot a work tuning every different part of GCam so that it would run quickly on the Snapdragon (don’t forget, the original Pixel didn’t have a PVC either and GCam runs on it just fine, in addition to all the unofficial GCam ports to all non-Google devices). According to reviewers this works quite well.

spinron -

QCM has DSPs internally which could be used as convolutional accelerators. Also they ship with AIX (AI accelerator) Tensorflow Lite probably goes well on these hardware engines

subash56 -

So this confirms that it's eMMC storage, right? Do we know specs?

mikewyugioh - 回复

The teardown shows you it’s a Micron MT29VZZZAD8DQKSL

It should speak for itself. Stop being lazy.

Steven Van -

googling MT29VZZZAD8DQKSL results in a listing that states

Multichip Packages eMCP 544Gb (2xNAND B16A TLC 256Gb+4xDRAM LPDDR4 8Gb)

and googling eMCP get me eMCP — e.MMC with LPDRAM

Squishy Squishy -

Apparently this is the first phone fully designed from the HTC team they purchased. In your opinion, is this reminiscent of HTC design?

Alex - 回复

Why did you rush this tear down!?!? Why didn’t the headphone jack get its own pic instead of just a footnote!?! What about the headphone DAC? You also completely ignore and don’t mention the side rails for squeeze. No close up pics of those either. Your video of the 3a XL is unbelievably short. You give us one super quick mention of the circuit board where you mention only two chips and then just move on. I want to ogle all the bits and be told about all the chips and see everything nice and big so I don’t have to tear something down myself. I want to rely on your expertise in this area. More pictures of all the bits cannot hurt your reputation. This phone is a big even though its budget price. It shouldn’t get a budget teardown. You are THE one and only place someone like me can rely on to really get nice informative pictures of whats inside something like this. No one is going to do a more detailed close up than you.

Squishy Squishy - 回复

Doing a quick roundup of the interior parts, there’s no dedicated DAC for the headphones. The audio amplifier is most probably the same as the loudspeaker, which is powered directly by the Snapdragon 670.

Natsu Kage -

Hi Squishy,

We’re honored that you choose iFixit as the site for device information! This teardown is on the briefer side of things; we mostly tried to accentuate the things that made the Pixel 3a stand out amongst its predecessors.

With that said, I’ve updated the teardown with a headphone jack shot and a link to the squeeze sensors (which have not changed since the prior Pixels). Also, stay tuned for device wallpapers!

Arthur Shi -

I’m sure iFixit would be happy to send you a quote for a more detailed teardown than the free content that they generously make available to everyone.

Blake -

Do you have screen replacements avaliable yet? This phone screen is stupidly fragile.

Kelsey Huss - 回复

Does the 3a have a magnetic switch under the screen for folo-cases? I know past pixel and nexus devices had these, but I haven’t had any magnetic reaction on my pixel and don’t see anything in the article about one.

Sam Switzer - 回复

Hi Sam!

That’s an interesting question. As far as I can tell, I don’t see a sensor. I also ran a magnet across the entire 3a and 3a XL surface…and couldn’t trigger anything :)

Arthur Shi -

Hi there, I planed to buy a Pixel 3a or 3a xl. I watched a video on YouTube that mentioned that glass of cellphone shattered easily when phone dropped from a foot height. Made me worry and hesitant to buy the phone. I love the whole aspect but I don’t like to be always stressful about breaking the glass. Would be my pleasure to know your point of view about the issue. Thanks so much.

hooman rostami - 回复

If you like the Pixel 3a, consider buying an impact-resistant case. More than the glass formulation, a well designed case will prevent screen cracks much more.

According to this article, the Dragontrail glass is just as scratch resistant as Gorilla glass, but not as bendable/impact resistant. It should still be much better than any phones that don’t use Gorilla glass.

Arthur Shi -

No heat-gun, screen first, battery easily removable, modular ports, all one type of screw… Why is this only a repeatability of 6/10? The iPhone XR got a 6 and it lacks modular ports, requires heat, and it has tri-point screws specifically made to interfere with repair.

kyle berezin - 回复

The foam adhesive is quite difficult to remove (I went through 5 plastic scribes).

The screen+digitizer is nearly impossible to remove without cracking it.

eduncan911 -

See Step 1 of the LCD replacement in the Service Guide: Google Pixel 3a屏幕更换指南

eduncan911 -

Any indicators of some degree of water resistance?

Preston To - 回复

Hi Preston,

Unfortunately, the Pixel 3a isn’t built for that. There are no gaskets around ports; the press connectors don’t have foam around them; the screen adhesive would let water in pretty easily.

I would suggest getting a water resistant case for it to keep it safe.

Arthur Shi -

Seriously??? A ‘BUDGET” phone costing $350-$500. (avg. around $440). Please explain what you consider a “mid-range” or “high-end”.

Rick - 回复

Can a glass only repair be done to the screen? Also where and when will pixel 3a screen and glass parts be generally available?

Colin Williams - 回复

Hi Colin,

As the fragile OLED panel is bonded to the glass, a glass-only repair will be very difficult (though not impossible), requiring specialty tools.

Arthur Shi -

Will you guys be carrying parts for this device?

Koray Z - 回复

Hi Koray,

We most likely will in the future!

Arthur Shi -

why dont you sell any replacement part of the pixel 3a, cracked the oled screen and am searching to buy one? From Switzerland

Dan The Dan - 回复

I think my usbc port burned and I live in a country with no Google support, do you know where I could buy it from quickly? I’ve got 70% left and want to replace it asap :(

Lucia Davies - 回复

Did you just leave out removing the metal mid-plate. You seemed to jump from removing the digitizer to removing the battery. There’s a metal mid-plate between these two to add rigidity.

B0 M0A0K - 回复

Hey there, as listed at the top of this teardown, this is for entertainment purposes “This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your Google Pixel 3a, use our service manual.” We skip a lot of steps to get to the interesting reveals, the full repair manual comes a little later.

Sam Goldheart -

Can anyone tell if a Google 3a XL battery will fit/can be a replacment battery in Google 3a

(it's ~5 yrs old and battery is going south, I was hoping to get better mahours with the 3a XL


?mark - 回复



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