使用本指南来替换Apple Watch Series 6上的破裂或有缺陷的显示器。
本指南在手表的蜂窝/ LTE版本上显示了步骤,但仅GPS的标准版本与此类似。
准备一个 iOpener(或使用吹风机或热风枪)并加热手表的表面,以软化显示屏粘合剂。
将 iOpener 放在手表上至少两分钟,以完全加热屏幕并软化将其固定在表壳上的粘合剂。
I was unable to do this. and I ended up breaking the glass in the process. So this was not a great experience
When I opened my watch I saw two layers of adhesive or are they gaskets? I broke one accidentally but not sure if I should keep the undamaged one in there? Or should both side be totally bare and the adhesive itself is also the seal?
Also I think I damaged my battery when prying it up since it won’t hold a charge now. I bought a replacement battery and will try that but is there anything else it could be?
Be very careful here... My display cable broke before achieving the angle they show in the last pick above. You may well want to order new cables along with the battery and gaskets. The are only $19.95
Yeah, bad links in step 11
I have edited the links to stay on the correct guide so they should work right once the edit is approved by the admins.
在电池和 Taptic Engine 之间插入一个三角撬片。
My watch has a metal shield in between the battery and screen?
Hi Eric,
I assume you own the 40mm version of the Apple Watch series 6 which has a slightly different build. The one you see here is the 44mm version.
Is removing the battery really necessary if you are only replacing the display? I can't see in the following steps where the battery would get in the way of detaching the old screen.
I’ve already taken off the screen , had a bad scratch I couldn’t get out then totally messed it up so for $50 bucks and some increased knowledge of Apple Watches I have the 6 44mm and the whole screen is off took 2days, I’m a little afraid I may have taken off the lcd part as well and I just bought a digitizer and new battery i didn’t get anything called an lcd they were more expensive but I’ve looked for hours and I didn’t tear anything, any thoughts?
Hi Jeremy,
Unfortunately what the sites that sell just the digitizer (AKA the front glass) aren't telling you is that it's extremely difficult to separate the LCD and the digitizer, as they're bonded together with glue called OCA (Optically Clear Adhesive). It takes specialized skills and equipment to successfully separate them without damaging the delicate LCD, then even more equipment to rebond the display with a new digitizer. I consider myself a very experienced DIY guy and this isn't something I'd try on an Apple Watch. I have done one on a couple of iPhone 6's that turned out with barely acceptable results, and one on a Samsung phone that failed miserably.
Sorry to say, you'll need to bite the bullet and just buy a new screen assembly, one that includes both the LCD and the digitizer. Presumably you haven't done anything with the replacement part you already bought, so hopefully you can return it.
why do you have to remove the watch back from Face. You're going.to repace it. Isn;t there enough room to get the display positioned right upon re- assembly?
An dieser Stelle muss ich aufgeben. Die Elemente sind sehr stark miteinander verklebt und das Erdungsband reisst sehr leicht.
用镊子将两条显示电缆都从ZIF 接口中拉出。
This says nothing about the grounding cable..
Oh. Is that was that was. 👀 I knew I wasn't supposed to break this but the device turned on and functions properly. I'll keep an eye on things and see if my wrists sets on fire at some point. Thank you for pointing this out!
Paul B. -
I also have managed to break 👏
Nick -
I damaged the grounding foil/sticker when opening. It’s like tissue paper thin 😱 I was able to reconnect it in a hacky way but is there a replacement part for that available? That part didn’t come up with the rest of the display cable sticky assembly.
@paul is your watch still functioning properly?
Can we get the application process of the replacement adhesive added to this guide? I ended up messing up my adhesive (completely my fault) and have to buy another set. I thinking adding the guide into this one would be beneficial to the community. Thanks!
The bonding of the tesa tape seems poor. I think I did everything right, but the watch face rises up slightly off the case every day. This is with a new battery and new screen unit. Any tips?
Using standard off the roll Tesa tape won't do, you need the special die-cut tape which is a thinner version Apple Watch (40 mm Series 6) Screen Adhesive or Apple Watch (44 mm Series 6) Screen Adhesive
Dan -
要重新组装Apple Watch Series 6,请按照逆序说明重新安装屏幕和电池。在小棉签上蘸一点高异丙醇(> 90%)或使用清洁垫轻轻去除剩余的粘合剂在安装新胶粘剂之前,先将其放在表壳和屏幕的边缘。
要重新组装Apple Watch Series 6,请按照逆序说明重新安装屏幕和电池。在小棉签上蘸一点高异丙醇(> 90%)或使用清洁垫轻轻去除剩余的粘合剂在安装新胶粘剂之前,先将其放在表壳和屏幕的边缘。
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Can anyone tell me what that 3rd cable is (circled red in the pic linked below)? It’s linked to the metal back in the phone?
gauntletmm - 回复
I think it is just a grounding wire.
Did you ever find out what that third wire is?
I want to know too, I break it while pulling the battery yesterday, but the watch seems working fine
Coco -
It’s a shield (grounding) line to control EMI noise
Dan -
Siete magnifici
Dommage qu’il n’y ai pas de lien d’une batterie à acheter ainsi qu’un lien pour trouver le joint d’étanchéité.
jeremy_110 - 回复
Hello, do we lose the Apple Pay functionality if we replace the screen?
No, i dont think so.
Burak -
Where to buy the replacement glass for series 6 Watch?
Hallo, bei öffnen habe ich versehentlich das Erdungskabel abgerissen. Läuft die Uhr auch ohne dieses Kabel?
Why would you leave out the steps for replacing or reattaching the screen? It’s not the same in reverse as you have to replace adhesive what’s the process or best practice? Do you reheat the adhesive before replacing screen?
Ich finde nirgendwo einen Ersatz Akku für die Apple Watch Series 6, 44mm, steht dieser zur Zeit nicht zur Verfügung oder passt der von der Series 5 ebenfalls, so das dieser nicht separat angeboten wird ?
Mil gracias por Tu generosidad al compartir Tu conocimiento con los demás.
Which Tesa 61395 Tape width should I buy for a 44mm watch?
arno nabos - 回复
Is there a way to just replace the glass, or do you have to replace the whole screen?
Not really, the crystal is glued to the panel with a special optical glue
Someone with the needed heater and vacuum chamber could but one has to have the skills as well. Remember we all can’t be brain surgeons!
Dan -