使用本指南更换'Apple Watch Series 2上的破损、破裂或有缺陷的屏幕。
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请按Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂
请按Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂
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Job done….With a smashed screen remember to apply clear scotch tape to hold the screen together. Continue to heat the remaining stuck shards when the main bulk of the glass comes out. Pick them out carefully, and not to raise the gasket. Use a strong magnifying glass. the ifixit heat gel pack and tweezers helped me. Ensure that all tiny bits of glass have been removed form the body. Just turn it upside down, give a couple of gentle taps with something plastic. Pick out if necessary, taking care around the components. For a smashed screen, needs a good hour or more.
Congratulations on the successful repair. And thanks for your comment and additional hints.
This one was tough…and I’ve been doing various repair for years. Thank you iFixIt for top notch tutorials and instructions (and the progressive photos). I had a broken display and an iCloud locked watch for parts. Getting the display off the broken iWatch was easy…getting the replacement/good display off the other iWatch was very difficult. I keep at it and eventually it released, but I think I chipped the display edges slightly. If I have to do this one again, I may think twice. I’d say use plenty of heat. I used the iRemover, which helped a lot, it gets plenty hot and holds the heat for job. Once you’re inside, you’ll need that every so special 000 tri-lobe bit for the battery (for this I bought the iFixIt Pro toolkit…worth it to have a solidly made set of disassembly tools). I don’t think it’s worth breaking down the iWatch for repairs much further than the display or battery. The water resistant seal is compromised enough as it is with the display removal.
Just wondering are the ion x glass and sapphire crystal screens interchangeable because I have a broken series 2 aluminum case and it comes with the ion x glass but I want to get the sapphire crystal glass instead to make it stronger
Displays of the same Series, model and size should be compatible.