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Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂


  1. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂, 清洁: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂, 清洁: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 在棉签上涂抹一点异丙醇(> 99%酒精)或使用清洁垫轻轻去除力触摸垫片顶部的粘合剂残留物。

    • 要移除显示屏电缆所在侧面的粘合剂,请向下折叠显示屏并小心地将其从框架中拉出,以便有足够的空间。

  2. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂, 清洁显示屏: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂, 清洁显示屏: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 翻转 Apple Watch,使显示屏平放,同时抬起外壳。

    • 清洁显示器背面的剩余物。

  3. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂, 安装新的粘合剂: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用一把镊子小心地从背纸上用蓝色保护膜去除替换粘合剂。

  4. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 握住替换粘合剂对角以将其穿过显示器。

    • 稍微向前倾斜显示屏,以便将粘合剂与框架对齐。

    • 将替换粘合剂放在力触摸垫片的顶部,并使用撬棒的尖端移动并将其按压到位。

  5. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 按照你来自的更换指南中的说明重新连接电池。

    • 轻轻取下粘合剂顶部的保护膜。

  6. Apple Watch Series 2 更换粘合剂: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 对齐屏幕并将其牢牢按在粘合剂上。

    • 为了进一步改善粘合剂的粘合,你可以使用 iOpener 加热显示屏,再将其放置于显示屏上约一分钟。然后施加几个小时的压力(把它放在一到两本书下面一晚上)。




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Will the new adhesive be water proof?

or will the watch after replacement no longer be water proof?

fredrik.liljeroth - 回复

The Apple Watch isn’t waterproof, but water resistant. After opening and resealing it there is no guaranty that the resistance is the same as before. More on that topic can also be read on Apples website (“Apple Watch can't be rechecked or resealed for water resistance.“). But when resealed properly (using heat and pressure without damaging the force touch gasket in the opening process and cleaning off old residue) there shouldn’t be any concern for a normal daily use like washing hands or taking a shower. It might even work for a swim in a pool or an ocean, but I wouldn’t count on that 50M ISO rating ;)

Tobias Isakeit -

This one was a bugger! Dang…getting this over the display w/o sticking to everything is an exercise puzzle. The first one also didn't release correctly and I ended up installing just the blue adhesive backing…then realized that the adhesive was still on the other backing, which I then had to very carefully remove with a tweezers, then navigate the puzzle of an exercise getting it over the display and in to position. I did it, but as other commenters noted, it is not sealed anything like it originally was. In fact, it came up in a few days and I had to use the iRemover to heat it back up and press it back into place. I also use an iWatch bumper guard all the time now to protect it from popping off. For this older series 2 iWatch I’m ok.

Thank you iFixIt for top notch parts, instructions and tutorials. I’ve been an IT tech/specialist for many years, but still approach new repairs with caution, especially on Apple products, until I’ve done it at least once.

Erica Rogers - 回复

Yes, resealing the Apple Watch is a tough one. It is either disconnecting the display and go without the "exercise puzzle" but risk damaging cables and having to reconnect the display vs. keeping a steady hand and feeding the adhesive around the display.

I edited the guide to apply pressure on the closed watch for a longer time now. A few hours under some heavy books might do a better job.

Oh, and congrats on the repair.

Tobias Isakeit -

Adhesive gasket/strip did not fit. It was slightly undersized :( I ended up cutting tiny strips to fill the gaps. :(

kamilgoslawski - 回复



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