如果你的 Mac 没有连接安装了macOS的存储设备,或你的启动盘已损坏,电脑启动时会闪烁带问号的文件夹图标 ,然后关机。
按照本指南使用互联网恢复模式启动你的 Mac,并使用磁盘工具,时间机器和 macOS 安装器。
只有在2009年后发布的苹果电脑可用互联网恢复模式。如果你的电脑在2010-2011年发布,你需要更新至最新的 macOS,或通过 EFI 和 SMC 固件升级启动互联网恢复模式。
当电脑完全关闭以后,先按下电源键,并立即按下并按住command + option + R键。
Does this option still work if using a Bluetooth keyboard?
Chad, this option should still work if using a bluetooth keyboard. If you’ve paired the keyboard to the computer already, then it should connect quickly enough to register the keypresses. That said, it’s definitely less reliable than using a wired keyboard! And every bluetooth keyboard is different—one might work, and another might not. Good luck!
MacBook 2009 A1342 DOES NOT WORK, it always shows the ‘folder’ with a ? inside and there is nothing i can do. +, i already bought a copy of Lion 10.7 on app store but cant access it either HELP PLEASE ;-)
Mine shows the same thing a folder with a ?, I couldn’t copy my hard drive as it crashed and the computer wouldn’t boot up. Now I’m starting with a brand new ssd I need to know how to or what to do.
On my MBP mid-2012, the Cmd+Opt+Shift+R worked for me too with a brand new SSD. Thx Adria!
Oui pour moi aussi, avec mon MBP 13" mi 2012...
I have MacBook A1280, I have tried all the keys combination but none is working. Keyboard perfectly working on pc but can't access Mac os partition.
For me, press together button to turn on + option worked
Mine just gets stuck at WiFi connection…
In this step choosing the network I can't type my password to get my connexion.
It shows me locked.
In this step after connecting to WIFI it will be there forever no progress. If I click on another network it’s getting error’ed out with a globe and exclamation mark in it and error is “apple.com/support -1005 F”.
Please assist me with some information on how to overcome this phase.
did you fixed it?
i had same problume can you help me
thank you
vazisda -
-3511 F Eror , whats does it means?
Mine is stuck flashing a folder with a question mark on it. Now what?
cant get passed folder with ? mark inside PLS HELPà
Even if your keyboard is AZERTY, write your password as using a QWERTY one. Just did it now.
You're welcome ;)
thank you sooooo much
I can’t get passed this… entered WiFi password and it just spins forever trying to login…
Same to me… did you fix it?
Cela ne se connecte pas alors que le code est bon, comment faire ???
Bonjour, je rentre mon mot de passe wifi, mais cela me refuse l’accès ?
faite attention si vous êtes français ou autre et que votre clavier est en azerty, car moi j’ai finalement compris que dans le ordi c’était en qwerty voilà pourquoi il n’acceptait pas le bon mot de passe
After connecting to the network, globe keeps spinning, no progress bar appears underneath. Please advice how to proceed. Thanks
After inputting the WiFi password it gets stuck on the revolving globe showing 24:00 for ever. What might be the problem and how to fix this issue? please help!
Solution: You need to set your DNS-server to at your router.
If you are in Malaysia and using Time Internet, this will not work. I used my mobile phone (Maxis) and a hotspot to get around the problem. Not sure if its the way the router is configured with my Time connection.
Indeed. Cannot get past Time internet and need to use the hotspot. Thank you very much james_abela.
Y MY -
A solution for me when stuck on entering wifi password and nothing happening was instead tether to my phone, i.e. mobile hotspot and that fixed it
The typical problem when you get a flashing folder with a question mark on the screen is a problem with the hard drive. If you have changed the drive for a new one it might not be compatible or poorly seated, or you did not start internet recovery correctly/in time. If you have not changed your drive and your Mac suddenly have gotten this error, the hard drive is most likely defective and needs to be replaced, in my experience. @bbfreak8
I am not able to type the password for wifi.
Please help
As with other comments here, I'm on the screen to select my network, and the roadblock is the password. I put in the password for the network, gets bounced back. I try my password for the Mac itself, gets bounced back. Apple ID, gets bounced back. It's not specific as to what password it's looking for, but nothing works. A ridiculous flaw with seemingly no solution! Makes me think twice (or more) before buying any more Apple products in the future. My shortlist for the holiday season was an entry level MacBook Air and an IPAD, but now I'm not too sure if we have to look forward to more of this sort of thing.
Coloco la clave wi fi la reconoce pero no me carga nada, se queda conectado pero sin cargar nada
de que año es la maquina? Podría ser que la red no tiene conexión? Tal vez pueda probarlo con una conexión por cable.
Coloco la clave wi fi, y la reconoce pero el globo continua rotando hasta que se detiene y muestra error casi que indefinidamente. Algunas veces se congela y muestra error 2002F… no se que hacer
1008F fehler
-2003F Fehler
Hi, what if nothing happens once a connection is established? It just connects to the wifi and then goes back to previous page
I get the spinning globe and progress bar, then it goes to grey screen with apple logo and spinning loading icon then just goes to grey screen :( 2011 macbook pro.
Plz help.
It happened the same to me! Could you find a solution? Thanks
I have exactly the same problem on a 2011 macbook pro, nothing happens after the internet recovery loading
And I have the same problem on my pro 15 2011😔
defsokal -
The process just skips the Wi-Fi connection process. It loads the disk utility but no Wi-Fi connection. Try to load operating system it says you need Wi-Fi connection? How do I get to Wi-Fi connection process?
After I entered password and loaded up internet recovery a Question Mark appears and flashing. What do I do next?
Never mind. When I tried a second time it went to the Disk Utility. I was able to complete the process.
Apple und die Time Maschine die alles kaputt macht. Statt Itunes hätten sie lieber die Time Maschine raus nehmen sollen aus Catalina Betriebssystem Apple
mi Mac lleva más de una hora y está hasta la mitad de la barra
A mi me carga hasta la mitad luego se reinicia,mi máquina tiene el problema que se reinicia constantemente pero me deja acceder al modo seguro
I have te same problem. It finishes the load screen, and then the screen turns white, the laptop starts to get hot and then turns off...
Tobal -
Same, white screen with little apple in middle. Did you guys figure it out?
What size it takes? It writes "About 13 hours and 27 miniutes remaining.
What is the system size??
从恢复菜单中,你可以从时间胶囊恢复你的备份,重新安装 macOS,获得在线帮助,或者使用磁盘工具格式化或者解决任意连接的储存设备的问题。
从恢复菜单中,你可以从时间胶囊恢复你的备份,重新安装 macOS,获得在线帮助,或者使用磁盘工具格式化或者解决任意连接的储存设备的问题。
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Oh, I’m so sorry! I forgot to specify: internet recovery mode is only available on newer Apple computers. I’ve updated the intro now, sorry for the confusion!
So a mid 2009 computer won’t have internet recovery mode?
I bought a Asgard (seems operates from HongKong) 2TB NVME PCIe M.2 SSD that I installed into mackbook pro 15in mid 2015 with sintech adapter for conversion to MacBook AHCI controller. The disk utility does not show this SSD. Later I installed in same way another Sabrent SSD 2TB it worked fine.
What might have gone wrong in the fist SSD. Could that SSD itself faulty or incompatible? any fixes available?
Two main reasons:
- You aren’t pushing deep enough your new ssd drive into the slot. Please reopen your mac, unplug the battery connector and push the new ssd to a fashion position.
- Your are missing the Alt/Option key. Please make the full shorcut: Alt+Shift+R.
Hi there
I recently replaced the HDD in my iMac 2019, 27” Retina 5K with a OWC 1TB SSD which I formatted before installation. After installing the SSD drive my iMac won’t boot up. I’ve tried everything but to no avail. When I turn the power button on nothing happens unless I continuously hold it and then only the fan comes on. Do you have any ideas what could be the problem?
Hey Joseph! There are a couple things that could be wrong here. I recommend you follow the steps laid out in this Answers post: iMac will not power on except fans, and when you get to the SDRAM step, instead put back the original HDD to see if that works. (Not that that’s the permanent solution—it’s just a problem solving step.) Hopefully it’s just a loose connector somewhere!
So I’ve followed these instructions and nothing happens. I reach the screen that shows the spinning globe but then it just stops. The Apple logo appears and sits there inactive. It never updates with the reinstall screen and there no options to update, either via the time machine back up or to reinstall the MAC OS system.
Forgot to state, I have a mid 2011 27” iMac.
Hey Nicholas, since you’re on the tail end of the compatibility list you might need to force your EFI firmware update. You can find the download link here: EFI firmware update list. If you’ve already done that (or you don’t have the ability to boot back into macOS anymore), I would try again with a stable, wired internet connection.
If you can’t get internet recovery to work, you can always create a bootable macOS drive with another macOS machine and use that as a recovery drive in a pinch. Hope this helps!
help me please, i want to reset my MacBook pro but when i'm click command+R MacBook show like step 3, but i can't input wifi password because my keyboard can't working but the capslock button is working. so what can i do?
pika, try plugging in an external keyboard to input the WiFi password!
I need help please!! I’ve chosen the wifi for the laptop to connect to but it’s just takes me back to the spinning globe and the wifi options. It doesn’t show that it is loading. How do I fix this so I can move forward to the next step?
Hey Gigi! It sounds like either your WiFi password isn’t correct, or the computer can’t connect to the internet with that network for some other reason. I would try your password again, and if that doesn’t work you can try to connect using an ethernet cable—or just take it to a friend’s house and try their WiFi!
Hi! I have followed these steps, the world is spinning and there is a time bar and under the bar is 24:00 and it has been stuck on there for over an hour, it never popped up and asked me to input my wifi information either? Help!!
Danielle, that’s a weird one! Normally the time bar only shows up if you have slow internet, but if it didn’t ask for your wifi information then that’s definitely unexpected behavior. Can you try using an ethernet cable to hardwire internet to the computer? That way you won’t need to use wifi anyway, and hopefully it will be able to boot to internet recovery. Hopefully that workaround will get the job done, keep us posted!
Time Machine doesn’t work, reinstalling the OS X doesn’t work, and system utility doesn’t show my hd . What do I do?
What if it says to select the disk where to install macOS Big Sur, but no disk is showing, it just lets me click back
David Hall - 回复
Hello, I have tried the above steps but everything stopped after the bar is fully loaded and shows a “Warning Sign” in the world icon with “apple.com/support", underneath it is -2100F.
Please what can I do next?
can you help me please ?
how can I leave this mode?
The combination keys I mean
MacBook Pro 2018
Utilities does not come up for me only after the spinning globe a page to choose language pops up and then the options to shut down or restart are prompted
I’ve been trying to get back to the Home Screen but it won’t let me
Spinning globe and internet connection but no progress bar. What can I do?
Hi! What’s does that mean:
Earth with triangle with “!” plus that text
PS: tried it several times and checkt netzwork cable/internet connection - was O.K. but Then it was successful. Happy whis understands that…
&&^& u apple headed bitxhs
I hade this error when going to recover mode -2002f
At the bottom of the screen that says activate Mac it says select wi-fi network and in the upper right hand corner it has the apple logo and recovery assistant. How do I get my MacBook pro to restart
After connecting to the internet my Mac keep showing the globe and the option to chose a network. Do you know how to fix it ? Cheers
It get to a screen that looks like a phone or something with a swipe button, then something that looks kind of like a tablet screen and it’s showing a power button on the side.
Hi my mac crashed and now i am not able to boot via usb nor the internet. After restarting and pressing the command option r my mac comes up with a lock logo which asks for a password which i donot remember. I have put in all possible passwords but cannot go past it. Kindly help!
Very helpful and I was able to be successful at restoring my system. Thank you. Now for the next task and accomplishment to achieve.
Super useful, worked for me!
Salve intanto ringrazio per quello che sono riuscito a vedere ,ma volevo dirvi che io per fare uscire il quadro del recovery devo attivare solo il tasto alt, pero' non si riesce ad arrivare alla conclusione, potete voi aiutarmi? perchè sono nei guai con un Macbook pro 15 retina del inizio 2013, sicuramento sarò senza sistema operativo senza sapere come e successo, spero di avere una risposta grazie
Salve intanto ringrazio per quello che sono riuscito a vedere ,ma volevo dirvi che io per fare uscire il quadro del recovery devo attivare solo il tasto alt, pero' non si riesce ad arrivare alla conclusione, potete voi aiutarmi? perchè sono nei guai con un Macbook pro 15 retina del inizio 2013, sicuramento sarò senza sistema operativo senza sapere come e successo, spero di avere una risposta grazie
I thought this guide is for a completely new SSD, but in this example MacOS appears to already be running. Is the target SSD connected internally via SATA or is this guide for a USB based second SSD that will also run the OS?
In the latter case, is the intent to run internet recovery on the new SSD and then open the machine up and connect it directly, replacing the old disk?
orun bhuiyan - 回复
Sorry for the confusion, Orun! The new SSD guide shares a few steps with the general “boot to internet recovery mode” guide. If you’re installing MacOS to a new drive, you can skip this step. :)
Taylor Dixon - 回复
Just to clarify, I have a late 2009 MacBook 6,1 running El Capitan and will be upgrading to a new SSD. Will Internet recovery work with this computer? The article states “after 2009”. Also I want to upgrade to High Sierra at the same time is there an option to select which OS or how does it decide?
nathan davis - 回复
My current hard drive won’t read. I don’t care about saving anything on the computer at all and had planned on starting fresh. Can i just install the drive then do internet recovery mode or do i still have to have a backup usb with the os preinstaled?
J H - 回复
Hi all,
I recently purchased a Mac mini so that I could have iMessages on my Android phone. It was petty and so that my lesser than iPhone user people could stop complaining about the lack of blue messages.
I ended up updating from the OEM hard drive to an SSD. I obtained a copy of Yosemite from the link below and installed an update to make sure it worked on the original drive.
I had trouble with my Bluetooth keyboard so instead of going through all of that, I ran the installer again but selected my new drive and install the iOS onto the external drive without any issue. I then installed the SSD and it is working so far. Knocking on wood.
Hope this is helpful and I haven't done anything wrong or caused anyone any issues.
nick peloquin - 回复