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三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池



  1. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池, 后盖玻璃移除: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 在开始之前,请关闭手机。

    • 将加热的 iOpener 应用到手机的长边,以松开后玻璃下方的粘合剂。使用 iOpener加热至少两分钟。在拆开过程中,你可能需要多次重新加热并重新施加 iOpener,以使粘合剂足够温暖以便切割。

    • 按照 iOpener 说明操作以避免过热。三星Galaxy S9的粘合剂非常强大。如果你无法使用iOpener打开设备,也可以使用吹风机,热风枪或热板。小心不要让手机过热 —— AMOLED显示屏和内置电池都容易受到热损坏。

    I don't know how much longer should I use for the min heat gun.

    Hui Chen - 回复

    Only heat it up so you can still handle the phone. That depends on your heat gun. Wearing (ESD-)gloves might give you some extra degrees.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    It is very very hard to remove the back glass due to the adesive… I don't know if it is possibile (at least for everyone) to remove it wothout broking the glass

    Luigi - 回复

    This is nearly impossible without breaking the glass or risking overheating. I would say apply heat repetitively for 6-8 minutes. The very most adhesive is across the bottom so push the pry stick way in. I generally start on the rear side.

    Thomas Hayes - 回复

    Whoah NO. It will damage the camera and other sensitive electronics.

    D Harlo -

    Heating the back is essential, challenging, frustrating and, for first-timers such as myself, seemingly impossble, but I will say don't give up...I'll have another comment later.

    cbclistener - 回复

    I tried with the iopener but I gave in after three attempts. I then used a hairdryer and a pizza oven infrared thermometer, heating in increments. 60C did the trick and I was able to get the first pick in. Further heating was necessary to ease the rest of the back off, all to 60C.

    Chris Harrison - 回复

  2. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 在以下步骤中,你将切割固定后盖的粘合剂。

    • 如图所示,后盖内侧的粘合剂是这样布置的。

    • 你将在所示区域中切割粘合剂:

    • 粘合剂厚的区域

    • 粘合剂薄的区域

    • 避免在此区域撬或切片,以保护指纹传感器柔性电缆。

    The yellow portion labeled "Avoid prying in this area" is also pretty heavily glued. I had luck using heat to soften it, but I messed up my fingerprint sensor because the image above is mirrored - I sliced through the right side because the image says it's on the left. The fingerprint sensor cable is actually on the right (when viewing the back side of the phone) on the same side as the phone's volume control.

    Nick Tipton - 回复

  3. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 如果手机的后玻璃破裂,吸盘可能不会粘住。尝试用强力胶带将其提起,或将吸盘加到适当位置并使其固化,以便继续进行。

    • 将吸盘按到后盖上。

    • 用吸盘提起后盖的底边,打开后盖和框架之间的微小间隙。

    • 这可能需要很大的力,但你只需要用吸盘打开一个非常小的间隙即可插入工具。如果遇到问题,请加热以进一步软化粘合剂,然后再试一次。粘合剂冷却速度非常快,因此你可能需要反复加热。

    • 在你打开的间隙中插入一个三角撬片,然后将其滑动到右下角。

    This is the most challenging part. The suction cup can barely hold for the amount of force required...but here's a tip, especially for the first-timers like me. It's not obvious in this image, but the back, curved as it is as it attaches to the frame, is curved because the surface under the back is also curved. Therefore, using an angle for the pick that's a bit tilted up will help to get under the back, and get the cutting of the adhesive started.

    Don't let that give you too much confidence, though. Sufficient heating of the back, to make the adhesive soft enough to yield to the several picks, is essential. Go slow, if you go too fast, or don't have enough heat, you WILL break the glass...as I did. Replacements, fortunately, are easy to find and not too expensive.

    cbclistener - 回复

  4. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 在仅插入三角撬片的尖端时,将其从左下角沿侧面滑动到顶部。

    • 将三角撬片绕顶角滑动并将其留在那里以防止粘合剂重新密封。

  5. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 开始沿着S9 Plus侧面的左下角滑动三角撬片的尖端。

    • 将粘合剂切割到手机左侧的一半后,将开口拨片留在原位。

    • 将三角撬片从右下角滑到框架的一半,然后将其留在那里。

  6. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 在框架的右侧插入第四个三角撬片,并将其滑动到右上角。

    • 将手机左侧的第五个三角撬片滑到左上角。

    • 使用三角撬片切割后玻璃上部下方的剩余粘合剂。

    • 不要一下子打开手机。易碎的指纹传感器电缆仍然将后盖连接到主板。

  7. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 小心抬起后玻璃侧面有音量按钮的位置。

    • 使用撬棒的边缘撬起并断开指纹传感器柔性电缆。

    On my G965U, the fingerprint reader remained in the phone, and instead of disconnecting the flex cable from the motherboard, it was only necessary to disconnect the flex cable from the back glass where it was glued lightly

    lyellread - 回复

    I also have a G965U model S9+, and its fingerprint read also remained in the back glass.

    Nick Tipton - 回复

    It's easier to pop the button up than it is to reattach it when reassembling the phone. Well, I sure hope it goes better for you than it did me. (:

    Daylen Westwood - 回复

  8. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 取下后玻璃。

    • 重新组装时,请按照本指南更换粘合剂并重新安装后玻璃。

    • 如果你想要更换后玻璃,请按照本指南传送后部相机挡板,包括指纹。

    Is it necessary to replace the rear glass adhesive? I have given up on water resistance, just want it to hold in one piece.

    Zachary Shaw - 回复

    Hi Zachary,

    in order to assure that the rear glass sticks to the rest of the phone assembly you have to replace the rear glass adhesive once you removed the rear glass. However you can use a narrow and strong double sided tape, tesa tape or our precut adhesive card. All of these will do their job however as you just mentioned you will lose the water protection of your phone. Before installing all of these it is very important to remove the old adhesive backings (for example with high isopropyl alcohol 90% or higher).

    Sadly it's not possible to replace the rear glass without new adhesive.

    Dominik Schnabelrauch -

    Is the L shaped stocker with the three holes(first pic in step 2) in it essential? It came off when i was using iso to get the adhesive off. Just wanna know before i put the phone back together.



    Bob Erto - 回复

  9. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池, NFC 天线和充电线圈: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸下九颗4毫米菲利普斯#00 螺丝。

    Don´t forget to unscrew the two screws on the left side (one near the battery, and one near the edge).

    Janny 4real - 回复

    My s9+ NFC screws in this step are different sizes most are the same except one is shorter and coloured black and another is just shorter. The phone will not charge now, how can you find out which screws go where?

    H8redflip - 回复

    11 screws need to be removed here. Watch the video to confirm the remaining 2.

    Nick Tipton - 回复

    The 9 screws shown won't let the bracket up unless you finish with the 2 more screws. (near edge and bottom of the bracket).

    Daylen Westwood - 回复

  10. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 在包含NFC天线和充电线圈的塑料盖的右侧下方插入一个三角撬片。

    • 向侧面翻转三角撬片,将盖子从其塑料夹中提出。

    • 绕着塑料盖工作,撬起以释放剩余的夹扣。

    I used a pointed metal spudger to pop that piece. The picks were more difficult here. There's an arrow that points the spot that needs to be opened.

    Daylen Westwood - 回复

  11. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 取下装有NFC天线和充电线圈的塑料盖。

  12. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池, 断开电池: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用撬棒的平端撬起并断开电池柔性电缆。

  13. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池, 电池: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池, 电池: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用iOpener 软化电池下方的粘合剂。使用iOpener 至少两分钟。

    • 在以下步骤中,仅将撬棒应用于红色标记的区域,即电池粘合剂所在的区域。

    • 避开这个区域。电池下方的中间框架有间隙,你可能会意外损坏显示屏。

    A hairdryer, pizza oven infrared thermometer and 60C did the trick for me.

    Chris Harrison - 回复

  14. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 如果你无法撬起电池,粘合剂可能不够软化。你可以在电池的每个角落下方涂抹一些异丙醇,让其渗透几分钟,以帮助削弱粘合剂。

    • 在下面的拆卸过程中,尽量不要让电池变形。软壳锂离子电池可能会泄漏危险化学品,着火,甚至在损坏时会爆炸。请勿过度用力或用金属工具撬动电池。

    • 将撬棒的扁平端插入电池左上角的柔性电缆所在位置并开始撬起它。

    • 沿着电池的左侧向下工作,并用撬棒撬开粘合剂。

    Is the Oled panel have the possibility to get damaged by applying alcohol in removing the battery?

    Laurence - 回复

    Hello Laurence,

    there is no risk that the panel gets damaged by the alcohol. The alcohol is relatively pure and will evaporate quickly.

    Dominik Schnabelrauch - 回复

    Hello, I replace the battery but I scratched the central part where the battery was lying on. As a result, on the screen there is a bad green permanent vertical line. I could go on for a couple of months, but there is a way to replace that part as well? Is now my phone dangerous for myself?

    simnmr69 - 回复

    Hi simnmr69,

    it seems like you damaged your screen during the battery removal. You can replace the screen as well following this guide. However a damaged screen won't be dangerous for you when using the phone but take care to use a new and undamaged battery since a punctured or bent battery may leak dangerous chemicals or cause a thermal event.

    Dominik Schnabelrauch -

    I used glue to adhere the battery, T-7000 kind from Amazon store. I didn't put it on the glass but rather the outer edge of the battery.

    Daylen Westwood - 回复

  15. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,1
    • 将撬棒插入电池右上角,把它撬起来。

    It took me like 25 minutes to get my battery out. I have a heat gun that was relatively helpful here but prying seemed to work as long as the adhesive was softened.

    Daylen Westwood - 回复

  16. 三星Galaxy S9+ 更换电池: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,1
    • 取出电池。

    • 拆除后请勿重复使用电池,否则可能存在安全隐患。用新电池更换。

    • 在安装新电池之前,请从手机中取出剩余的粘合剂,并用异丙醇和无绒布清洁胶合区域。

    • 使用预先切割的粘合剂或双面胶带固定新电池。为了正确定位,请将新粘合剂应用到旧粘合剂所在位置的手机中,而不是直接放在电池上。将新电池稳固地按入5-10秒钟。

    Anyone know the purpose of the black piece with the holes in it? Do I need to transfer it to the new battery?

    Joe Tobin - 回复

    It is a foam sticker and most likely for transferring heat form the battery to the NFC antenna and to the rear case. If the new battery comes with one pre-installed–lucky you, if not, don’t worry you’ll be fine, too.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Where is a video for placement of glue stickers??

    Juron Lobo - 回复

    or how to remove the old glue, especially from the rear of the back case lol. Otherwise the kit is very comprehensive

    Julian Davidson -

    after replacing the battery using the Ifixit kit on my S9+ and following the correct procedure for charging the new battery, its still showing up on the Samsung Members app, Diagnostics as being weak and that it needs replacing. I have charged and used the device normally for the last few days and it still fails the test. Am not impressed.

    Julian Davidson - 回复






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One of the best “do it yourself” instructions I’ve ever come accross! Very thorough!!

AK Sand - 回复

Just be careful to remember to try phone parts (such as, battery recharging OBV, Fingerprint sensor…) before closing with the new cover.

Also remember to attach the Wireless card before doing the battery test otherwise the phone will say that can’t charge because the phone is too cold.

That’s because on the wireless charger module there is the heat sensor.

Flavio - 回复

Missed one of the most important parts: Where and how do you install the adhesive pieces? There are a lot of them and the linked article doesn't even come close to explaining it for this phone.

Jason Landon - 回复

Good instruction, I was successful replacing the battery however I accidentally damaged the fingerprint scanner cable because the image showed above is mirrored and I sliced too far in on the wrong side.

Also, a brief note on which adhesives can/should be removed before reassembling would be very helpful.

Nick Tipton - 回复

Re-assembly is not as straightforward as using the reverse order as above as you need to remove all the old adhesive and re-apply the adhesive supplied with the kit. It's not obvious where the upper and lower adhesive parts go - the following ifixit youtube is very useful at working out where and how to re-apply the adhesive:

How To Re-Apply Adhesive to Your Samsung Galaxy Phone! - YouTube

Chris Harrison - 回复

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niwarko - 回复

Hello Flavio, can you describe the problem in detail. I have connected the wireless card before the battery and i have receive the triangle with red thermometer and said can’t charge because the phone is too cold. Any advices? Thanks in advanced

predaandrei - 回复



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