使用本指南卸下NFC天线和 Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus 的充电线圈。
打开三星 Galaxy S9 Plus 将“损坏设备上的防水密封条”。如果你不更换粘性密封圈,则手机将“正常工作”,但会“失去防水功能”。
将加热的 iOpener 应用到手机的长边,以松开后玻璃下方的粘合剂。使用 iOpener加热至少两分钟。在拆开过程中,你可能需要多次重新加热并重新施加 iOpener,以使粘合剂足够温暖以便切割。
The yellow portion labeled "Avoid prying in this area" is also pretty heavily glued. I had luck using heat to soften it, but I messed up my fingerprint sensor because the image above is mirrored - I sliced through the right side because the image says it's on the left. The fingerprint sensor cable is actually on the right (when viewing the back side of the phone) on the same side as the phone's volume control.
This is the most challenging part. The suction cup can barely hold for the amount of force required...but here's a tip, especially for the first-timers like me. It's not obvious in this image, but the back, curved as it is as it attaches to the frame, is curved because the surface under the back is also curved. Therefore, using an angle for the pick that's a bit tilted up will help to get under the back, and get the cutting of the adhesive started.
Don't let that give you too much confidence, though. Sufficient heating of the back, to make the adhesive soft enough to yield to the several picks, is essential. Go slow, if you go too fast, or don't have enough heat, you WILL break the glass...as I did. Replacements, fortunately, are easy to find and not too expensive.
I also have a G965U model S9+, and its fingerprint read also remained in the back glass.
It's easier to pop the button up than it is to reattach it when reassembling the phone. Well, I sure hope it goes better for you than it did me. (:
Is it necessary to replace the rear glass adhesive? I have given up on water resistance, just want it to hold in one piece.
Hi Zachary,
in order to assure that the rear glass sticks to the rest of the phone assembly you have to replace the rear glass adhesive once you removed the rear glass. However you can use a narrow and strong double sided tape, tesa tape or our precut adhesive card. All of these will do their job however as you just mentioned you will lose the water protection of your phone. Before installing all of these it is very important to remove the old adhesive backings (for example with high isopropyl alcohol 90% or higher).
Sadly it's not possible to replace the rear glass without new adhesive.
卸下九颗4毫米菲利普斯#00 螺丝。
Don´t forget to unscrew the two screws on the left side (one near the battery, and one near the edge).
11 screws need to be removed here. Watch the video to confirm the remaining 2.
The 9 screws shown won't let the bracket up unless you finish with the 2 more screws. (near edge and bottom of the bracket).
I used a pointed metal spudger to pop that piece. The picks were more difficult here. There's an arrow that points the spot that needs to be opened.
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Be very careful when removing ... I broke my GPS antenna at the upper left at the index finger in the prior photo. Can't find a replacement anywhere.
How do you actually remove and replace the NFC charger..??
I don't know how much longer should I use for the min heat gun.
Hui Chen - 回复
Only heat it up so you can still handle the phone. That depends on your heat gun. Wearing (ESD-)gloves might give you some extra degrees.
Tobias Isakeit -
It is very very hard to remove the back glass due to the adesive… I don't know if it is possibile (at least for everyone) to remove it wothout broking the glass
Luigi - 回复
This is nearly impossible without breaking the glass or risking overheating. I would say apply heat repetitively for 6-8 minutes. The very most adhesive is across the bottom so push the pry stick way in. I generally start on the rear side.
Thomas Hayes - 回复
Whoah NO. It will damage the camera and other sensitive electronics.
D Harlo -
Heating the back is essential, challenging, frustrating and, for first-timers such as myself, seemingly impossble, but I will say don't give up...I'll have another comment later.
cbclistener - 回复
I tried with the iopener but I gave in after three attempts. I then used a hairdryer and a pizza oven infrared thermometer, heating in increments. 60C did the trick and I was able to get the first pick in. Further heating was necessary to ease the rest of the back off, all to 60C.
Chris Harrison - 回复