

本篇指南是分解流程而非维修指南。 如果您要维修您的OnePlus One,应参考我们的维修指南

  1. 一加 一拆解, 一加 一拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解, 一加 一拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 在正式开始前,我们先复习一下手机特性。

    • 5.5英寸 IPS屏 1920*1080分辨率

    • 1300百万2.0光圈双闪光灯后置摄像头。前置500万像素摄像头。

    • 高通骁龙801 2.5Ghz四核摄像头

    • 3Gb LPDDR3 1866MHz 运行内存

    • 64GB eMMC 5.0 存储空间(16GB可选)

    • 802.11b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi, 蓝牙 4.0, USB OTG, GPS/GLONASS, NFC

    • 令人印象深刻的硬件,可以肯定 - 但这是一个拆卸,而HTC one给我们留下了一点受到晚期的创伤。 这里希望“Plus”代表“比友商的手机更可修”

  2. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 一加设计 中国制造 一加 一的产品识别码为A0001

    • 手机运行定制的安卓操作系统的CyanogenMod 11S,由Cyanogen,Inc.开发。

    • CyanogenMod有什么特别之处? 它是基于Android的智能手机和平板电脑的开源操作系统。 它提供了由移动供应商分发的Android版本中未找到的功能和选项。

    • 一加 一是预装CyanogenMod的第二款手机,第一款手机是OPPO N1 CyanogenMod Edition。

    • 我们很高兴看到One有一个开放源代码的操作系统,完全解锁,两者均保护消费者权益

  3. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 与目前畅销的智能手机相比,iPhone 5s的8.9mm(7.6毫米)略高,152.9毫米(123.8毫米)明显更高。

    • 虽然这不是一个平板手机,评论家 当然,除非你是绿巨人。可以单手操作。

  4. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 快看红色盒子里面都有什么?

    • 一个电源适配器和一个带有方向指示的连接器的USB电缆,OnePlus终于击败了USB插头祸害

    • 哦,和一个带有钥匙扣的SIM卡弹出工具。 因为,你多少次希望弹出工具挂在钥匙圈上?

    • 一次都没有? 这里是一样的。 但它确实看起来很酷。

    • 隐形卡槽与弹出工具一起打开,我们被手机杰出的顺滑感所扼住咽喉。

  5. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们的撬棒已经饥渴难耐了。

    • 手机没有一个很明显的进入点,但由于一加将提供可更换的背板,我们决定从背板开始。 我们弄开了,看看里面是...

    • 很高兴,背板很容易卸下,仅有一点阻力,围绕着周围的几个卡扣。

    • 虽然可互换部件为可修复性加分,但我们不希望后面容易出现与前玻璃相同的灾难性事故

    Be sure to remove the SIM card tray before removing the back plate!

    Andrew - 回复

  6. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 移下了后壳,就是这样。 第一瞥就可以看到嵌入式可充电3100 mAh LiPo电池。

    • 乍一看,这个似乎比其他人似乎有一个更高,更合宜的电池。

    • 手机后壳就是黄金派对。

    • 3条金天线加上NFC天线贴片通过触点 来与机身相连

    So, with the NFC antenna being part of the cover instead of the body/battery, is it safe to assume that a ferrous metal plate (used with a magnetic dock) wouldn't interfere with NFC use?

    Sergio Ferreira - 回复

    Went ahead and got one of the magnet docks. The metal plate behind the One's back cover (between the cover and the battery) does NOT interfere with NFC, or any other radio that I've tested.

    Sergio Ferreira -

    Do we know which NFC chipset the 1+1 is using? I've heard different sources cite an NXP PN65T or a Broadcom. It matters a great deal as far as tag/card compatibility goes!

    Libra Sun - 回复

    NXP. Source is this Chinese OnePlus One teardown: http://mobile.it168.com/tu/1616975.shtml

    Translation: https://forums.oneplus.net/threads/ifixi...

    Direct picture link with the NFC chip from NXP: http://image20.it168.com/picshow/900x675...

    Peter -

    Is there anyone that know which one of the antennas that are for wifi and so on?

    rbrostrom - 回复

    what do this antennas belong to? there´s also the wifi antenna in that back cover?

    Davide Patria - 回复

  7. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们捅了几次电池(就像这样),直到我们成功使用撬棒将其撬出。

    • 唉! 看来我们也只能止步于此了,电池排线在被螺丝固定的壳下消失了。

    I think i could replace my OPO's battery with OP2, what suggestions? Are the dimensions same? I'd like to add those 200mAh.

    Jidhin George - 回复

    you should swap Step 8 with Step 7 since you can’t get the battery out at this point. My battery almost bent since the glue couldn’t come off.

    Aaron Tan - 回复

  8. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 无论怎样,首先要拧螺丝,感谢我们的Pro Tech螺丝刀套装。

    • 但还没结束!一加用一些隐藏的螺丝给我们拆解工作增添了一些额外的工作。

    • 我们不要在这里给橡胶塞下面隐藏螺丝留有任何的仁慈。 最后一个螺丝是头顶上贴上一个白色的贴纸的易碎贴纸标签,被我们的螺丝刀留下了永久伤害,证明我们已经将它损坏了。

    • 该设备没有被证明特别难以进入,但是像隐藏的螺丝和防篡改的螺丝那样的小威慑那对我们来说就是螳臂当车。

  9. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们拉出内部保护盖子来接近电池连接器。 如果我们的计算正确,一加 一的电池即将被移除。

    • 我们的撬棒执行必要的算术,3.8 V,3100 mAh LiPo电池是我们(和您的)进行检查。

    • 与其2800mAh(Galaxy S5)和2600mAh(HTC One M8)竞争对手相比,它的表现很好。

    • 对于那些读不懂中文的人,这款电池的最大充电电压为4.35 V,并有以下警告和注意事项(释义):

    • 只能使用授权的充电器

    • 充电时请保持通风

    • 不要拆解,短路或穿刺

    Wh = V * Ah

    = 3.8V * 3.1 Ah

    = 11.8 Wh

    Alan Zhang - 回复

  10. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 卸下主板需要断开多个连接器

    • 尽可能小心,我们使用iFixit Tech Knife(通常称为K-nife)来从面板组件的侧面分离摇杆按钮。

    • 就像我们喜欢用刀子拆解设备一样,但在大多数情况下,我们大力反对这样做。

    Note small screw at bottom left ("little black dot" on lower left of mobo in main picture for this step). It must be removed to take out the mobo. This is one of 3 screws of a different size in the phone. The other two are under the little plugs in the speaker assembly, Step 15.

    Also, note connector to the left of the rear-facing camera at top of mobo in this step. It has to be disconnected just like the connectors at bottom of mobo.

    PJ Blank - 回复

    Thanks a lot for the guide, my phone has been diagnosed with water damage and had to change motherboard and small board, which I thought they did just that. But turns out my screen might have been switched/changed as well? Since my screen protector isn't here anymore compare to before I sent it for repair it's still attached.

    My question is: Does the screen has to go too if the motherboard has been replaced? Or have I simply been scammed? Also, is it common that your internal memory will be wiped out?

    Comments will be very much appreciated, thank you.

    Krys - 回复

    Replacing the motherboard will definitely wipe out the on-board storage. I can't see any reason why the display would need to be replaced, unless it also had water damage.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    There is a white rectangle on the top left of the motherboard. Is this a water damage indicator as well? I send my phone to HandTec (official EU repair center for OPO) in order to fix the classic touch screen ghost issue, and they diagnosed my phone with water damage. In the image sent to me as a proof for water damage, this rectangle is redish, so i thought it might be just another water damage indicator.Can you please confirm that?Thanks for the great guide.

    winterofsouls - 回复

    Yes. This white spot is a water damage indicator.

    winterofsouls -

    HelloI need a quick help phone broken screen when changed and open the back cover Motherboard did not pay attention to the three screws on the cover has been used to open the knife and when working on that removed copper tip of the motherboard and is located next to the entrance to the sound earphones there is a small white box and the bottom of a copper tip This side is moving away from the painting, please look at the picture 1 in step 10 you will see it

    please help me !!!

    amin seleem - 回复

  11. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 最后,使用所有的连接器,主板是 -

    • Drat and double drat!这个主板背面有一个最后一个天线连接器。

    • 幸运的是,我们断开连接速度比您算1 + 1还要快。

    Now I see the SIM card reader on the motherboard. I have a dire situation where one of the pins on the SIM adapter (the one on the motherboard, inside) was destroyed. This was due to my stupid attempt to insert a different SIM tray. Is it possible to replace the SIM adapter on the motherboard? Thanks

    alltrivial - 回复

    I'm in the same situation. My SIM card slot (including one or two of the pins) is completely messed up, and I'm looking to replace it. Were you able to find a solution?

    Frieder Bluemle -

    Tiny screw on the bottom right that the author missed out.

    Aaron Tan - 回复

  12. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 前置摄像头和后置摄像头均由Sunny Optical Technology设计。

    • 后置摄像头标有P13N05A,前置摄像头标识为P5V35A。

    • Project Tango中,我们也遇到了Sunny Optical Technology设计的相机模组。

    • 根据一加 一规格页面的细节,1300万像素后置摄像头配有Sony Exmor IMX 214CMOS图像传感器。

    P13N05A is a Sony sensor in a sunny module. Sunny is a Chinese company which uses Sony sensors. It has SONY IMX214 sensor in it.

    Refer the below link for more info:


    Shashi Kumar - 回复

  13. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 众和为一 由许多芯片构成的一体

    • 三星K3QF7F70DM-QGCF 3GB LPDDR3 RAM; 高通骁龙801可能在分层下面

    • 高通WCD9320音频编解码器

    • AGD2 2402 WX9DR(可能是陀螺仪)

    • 高通PM8941PM8841电源管理ICs 快充2.0

    • 8407 CEH 05KTJ

    • B02419

    • P0911 3193

    Is this really quick charge 2.0 capable? I've search a lot and nothing seems to point that OnePlus One is Quick Charge 2.0 capable...

    nicowez - 回复

  14. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们很快就用完了拉丁语的口吻,但芯片呢?还没接近呢!背面包含:

    • 东芝THGBMBG9D8KBAIG eMMC 5.0 64 GB机载存储

    • Skyworks SKY77629-21功率放大器模块

    • 高通WCN3680 802.11ac / FM / BT 4.0组合芯片

    • 高通WTR1625L射频收发器

    • SkyworksSKY85709WLAN前端模块

    • Synaptics S3508A触摸屏控制器

    You couldn't identify all of those chips? very fishy...

    Bob - 回复

    Hi, looking for a replacement for Synaptics S3508A Touchscreen Controller. Any leads on where i can get this component?

    siddharth - 回复


    Is it possible (eMMC 5.0 16GB) changed to (eMMC 5.0 64 GB) ??? , Or more than 128?

    Vahid Didehdar - 回复

    So if anyone was as careful as me: the left little resistor on below the battery connector is 1kΩ. Hand hard to solder back on.

    adlerweb - 回复

  15. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们将重点转移到前面板组件上。

    • 六个螺丝(其中两个隐藏在更多的橡胶塞子下面)和稍后的一个撬棒,我们将扬声器组件外壳撬开。

    • 一加 一具有一组通过弹簧触点连接到主板的雅马哈立体声扬声器。

    • 在扬声器组件外壳的底部中心,我们会发现一个贴纸,当兽人靠近时它会改变颜色。 它也作为水损害标识。

    is it really stereo or just 2 mono speakers?

    Craig Ferguson - 回复

    2 speakers but they are not wired "stereo". Both carry the same program material, so they are mono.

    PJ Blank -

    The two screws under the little plugs are of the 2nd type used in this phone; the first of this type is in Step 10 (see my comment for that step). Total of 3 screws of this 2nd type. The 1st type (the rest of the screws) are, AFAIK, all the same.

    PJ Blank - 回复

  16. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 移除USB端口是足够容易的,但它似乎被困在中框的插槽下。

    • 但不是完全的被困住! 我们以为是一堵墙,实际上是一条剥离的皮带,将其剥离。

    Can you please tell the specific of the original oneplus one usb cable?

    Marco Salvioni - 回复

  17. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 哦,不,这个小电缆分支是在中框下面的。 我们永远不会让子板出来!!!等一会儿 ,没关系。

    • 在另一个令人兴奋的剧情中,这个神秘的电缆从它的框架缝隙中弹出。

    • 这个比星球大战有更曲折的情节的家庭秘密。

    This could be a magnetic sensor.

    Tom Chai - 回复

    yes, this is magnetic senzor for flip cover ;-)

    davecz -

    watch out not to rip of one of the LEDs... now my option key has no backlight anymore :(

    Marius137 - 回复

    Ripped out a cable on the opposite side of the motherboard connector cable detatching the daughterboard while doing this step. No idea what it is.

    Austin Lombard - 回复

    Sorry to hear that, Austin! We try to prevent damage by labeling teardowns with this banner “This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your OnePlus One, use our ++service manual++.” Check out the user-created guides in the manual to see more repair detail.

    Sam Goldheart -

  18. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在女儿板终于自由由由了。

    • 这个子板是各种组件的永远的家,包括振动器和主麦克风。

    • 子板底部有三个LED用于前面板组件电容按钮。 LED适配到显示屏底部的导光板。

    This daughterboard is home to... the vibrator. What a naughty daughter.

    Stefan Constantin Dumitrache - 回复

    Is the vibration motor soldered on the daughterboard? Is it detachable?

    ionpan - 回复

    Don't forget the antenna connector at top of the "right wing" (viewed from rear of phone with daughterboard on bottom) of the daughterboard. As with the mobo antenna connector, it pops off with a little prodding.

    PJ Blank - 回复

    Where can i get that part? I looked entire ebay.

    bostjan - 回复

  19. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,2

    Note the orientation of the earpiece speaker BEFORE removing it from the frame!

    PJ Blank - 回复

    Just noticed that earpiece speaker is "keyed".. small tab on one side, larger on the other. Probably difficult to install it backwards.

    PJ Blank - 回复

    That white rectangle where the headphone jack was is a liquid damage indicator. It also appears that they left a hole in the headphone jack purely to allow water into the main circuitry via that LDI...

    Yoda - 回复

    And it allows it to lift the backcover with the headphone jack.

    Oneplus shows this technique in their videos, e.g. the one showing how to swap the original cover to use their bamboo cover.

    Wozniak Peter -

    The earpiece on the picture is upside down !

    Pierrick FRIZE - 回复

    Yes. The photo shows the speaker upside-down. But its not possible to mount it that way.

    I think it is IMPORTANT to mention the following:

    The speaker is stuck with some adhesive.

    By trying to lift it up it is very easy to destroy this fragile component.

    The problem is, the metal frame of the speaker is stuck by an adhesive sticker. And by lifting the black plastic, the two parts break up! If your are unlucky the super thin copper wire breaks and the speaker is dead.

    So please. Lift the speaker underneath the metal frame which is hardly visible.

    And also take care not to perforate the membrane.

    So it is necessary to be very gently or to buy a new speaker

    Wozniak Peter - 回复

    The black thermally conductive adhesive transfer tape, and the copper sheet that you can see on the first picture of step 19 hasn't been removed in this teardown, which I can understand since it's just impossible to remove without tearing the whole thing.

    If you want to replace your midframe, though, you need to have this on the new bezel.

    My trouble is I've searched the web without being able to find where to buy this thermally conductive adhesive transfer tape. So if any of you guys could drop me a hint ...

    kedemferre - 回复

    Copper sheet sticker acts as heat sink but there is only a small piece of it. In htc and Samsung phones it is wisely used.

    Jidhin George - 回复

    I wondering what function of the little plastic peace on the right of the connector an above the ear piece is. I bought a second hand oneplus one and this peace seems to be missing. Because the screen was faulty I purchase a replacement screen and some great tools on Ifix to replace it. Replacing went fine but my screen has an horizontal band around the middle where it doesn't pick up touches. Very annoying! I've read there are problems with grounding and I'm wondering if this is missing peace is not the reason for my problems. I'm trying to find this part but it seems to impossible to find. Any help is welcome - confirm the use of the plastic part and where to buy it. Thanks.

    Paul Vingerhoets - 回复

  20. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,3 一加 一拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 3,3
    • 随着显示组件被剥离到中框,现在是时候测试一个常见的修复问题了:屏幕更换!

    • 经过一些热量和撬片进行的一些撬动打开,我们将显示组件与中框分开。

    • 这不是一个有趣的工作,但它比我们在我们拆卸的桌子上打开的另一个更容易。

    • 中框具有名称PC + GF,表示它是由玻璃纤维注入的聚碳酸酯制成。

    • 我们有点失望 - 我们无法将其清除,并将其点燃,就像我们过去所做的那样。悲情。

    Are you sure there's no magnesium midframe? The last picture of step 20 looks like some kind of metal midframe

    Eric Shen - 回复

    Can you recommend a certain type of glue?

    I need to buy some for the reassembly.

    Daniel Lottes - 回复

    Careful! Thin black plastic strip around screen / digitizer assembly is PART OF MIDFRAME! Mine was severely damaged while removing the broken screen. Came out in pieces. Had to order new midframe.

    PJ Blank - 回复

    so, I have managed to get the display free. I am now waiting for the delivery of the new display. can I use the old glue again or should I take new ? what kind of glue ?

    Dom - 回复

    Just got the new midframe. Expect to be back here to say how it went.

    PJ Blank - 回复

    Can anyone suggest a glue to use for reassembling the screen?

    Rick - 回复

    PJ Blank how did it go? I bought a new frame also and it came with adhesive that's shaped like the phone but it does not have the cut out for the screen's flex cable however it has some cut outs in it I'm just not sure what to do

    Kevin Watson - 回复

    someone could tell is possible separate the scanner glass lcd?

    Dj Thiago Na Balada - 回复

    New display from aliexpress does NOT have copper strips!!

    Will it work?

    PopeMike - 回复

    As anyone ever saw a video or knows how to "de-fuse" the Digitizer from the LCD? I found a store that only sells the glass/digitizer for 50€ and was really tempted to buy it (instead of the whole piece for 100€). In this website they say that they will send a video explaining how to do it but apart from a video I saw on XDA about the same procedure on a Galaxy S2 I never found out anything similar for the OPO.

    Pedro Miranda - 回复

  21. 一加 一拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,2 一加 一拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,2
    • OnePlus One可修性评分:5分(10最容易修复)。

    • 没有专有的螺丝,只有一个螺丝头类型降低维修工具的成本。

    • 相当模块化的组件将允许更便宜的更换零件。

    • 在电池和几根电缆上使用轻微的粘合剂。

    • 由于连接器被困在塑料面板和几个螺丝下,所以电池更需要更换。

    • LCD和数字化仪玻璃熔合在一起,必须作为单个部件更换,并且它们需要热量才能从中间架上移除。

    So the 5 out of 10 is just grab the eyes? Somehow a much-more-difficult-to-fix iphone 5 got a 7 out of 10. Random scores?

    Sli Anand - 回复

    i need to replace the lcd and the digitizer.. Can you assist me with the steps tha follow after removing the back cover.. and removing the visible screws is it possible to directlyu dettach the display?

    and once i remove my display how do i attach a new one?

    Help would be highly appreciated!

    Amit Shah - 回复

    From my own teardown of the phone (and waiting on replacement display now), it looks like you need to do the complete teardown to change the display. My display was shattered; I used Scotch tape on the screen front to keep glass shards from getting everywhere. I used a heat gun to separate the display (and digitizer, which are one unit) from the frame. Will probably come back here to let you know how it goes.

    PJ Blank -

    where i can buy daughterboard with microphone ???

    my microphone dead and the phone is useless now ...

    victorsklyanik - 回复

    Hi, My OPO has lost it's display due to water damage and needs to change the Motherboard. Can anyone help me with finding the place to buy it in India???

    Suseendar Ravi - 回复

    The Galaxy S5 got a 5/10, and is significantly harder to repair. I'd honestly slot the OPO alongside phones like the Nexus 5 and Galaxy sIII. Everything is one size screwdriver and the battery requires the same exact level of disassembly as the Nexus 5. I'd say it deserves a high 7 if not a solid 8--definitely not a 5.

    sawyerbergeron - 回复


en zh


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Hey guys, nice teardown. I'm guessing you probably already gave out your spare invites to your fellow workmates or friends but if you haven't I'd be eternally grateful for one.

Guy - 回复

Are you kidding me with this?

abdulalbasith -

Haha some ppl really can't hold there s**t together

yossi Grosskopf -

I bought 2 OPOs (sold one to a client, kept the other), both over a month ago, and have not received any invites. The invites I bought were $ 23.00 and $ 9.00, respectively, but now they seem to be in VERY short supply, and are going for bigger bucks. Not sure what's up with that!

PJ Blank -

Thank you. I was really waiting for this. OnePlus said they made the battery unremoveable to make the phone thinner, because they don't have to cover up the cables underneath.

That being said, do you think it's possible we will see a battery hack kit appearing on eBay? One that has a battery connector extender that extends to connector pins in the battery compartment and then a matching battery that can just be popped out?

Arend Hamming - 回复

Luckily, the OPO seems to have commendably long battery life, and many drugstores and convenience stores sell lithium packs with USB connectors for $ 10-$20 or so that just plug into any smartphone for extra power. I know, maybe unwieldy and not pretty, but functional!

PJ Blank -

How many wifi antenna's are there in the OnePlus One?

Rick - 回复

What's interesting is that that those Yamaha speakers have been called JBLs in quite a few other articles (like this one: http://www.phonearena.com/news/The-OnePl...). Do you think that OP is hyping the product inaccurately, that different OPOs carry different speakers, or that well-meaning collaborators are reporting specs based on deals that they're not aware never went through?

Frulialepteroft - 回复

can anyone tell me where to buy a new screen?

cheis - 回复

aliexpress, for one, and ebay, for two.

PJ Blank -

can anyone tell me where to buy a new screen? mine cracked.

cheis - 回复

aliexpress for $118. Came in a week and worked great!

Dev Mikel -

where can i buy the the sim tray from ???? looks like i have damaged mine

mjaffar - 回复

Just use a thin Scotch tape to hold the SIM into the broken frame. You did not describe the breakage so I can assume the frame is cracked. Also consider trying some superglue.

Fruncle -

Hmmm. I added what I believed to be important edits to this teardown, such as describing the two types of screws in the phone, mentioning some additional care when disassembling, removing a screw not mentioned in Step 10, and such. This appears to have been completely disregarded, and there is no longer a link to view unverified comments as of this time (and no notice to me, as if I was trying to do something malicious). I urge all who disassemble the OPO to be extra-wary of a few "gotchas". Guess I'll add them as comments to the steps instead.

Good luck.

PJ Blank - 回复

La verdad es el mejor teléfono. Vale mucho mas que un experia o un galaxia y cuesta mucho menos. Es el autentico rompedor de gigantes, están revolucionando el mundo

Santiago Jaramillo - 回复

Why does this get a lower rating than the Nexus 6? The nexus got a 7 and this got a 5.

In the Nexus 6 guide the back cover was glued on, this isn't the case with the OPO

In the Nexus 6 there were something like 22 screws holding the back on, theres far few with the OPO

With the Nexus 6 you complained that many parts weren't detachable like the MicroUSB port, in this phone many more components are attached via removable ribbon cables.

Oscar VL - 回复

After following the teardown to replace broken screen, phone can't connect to mobile networks/carriers. Which antenna/connector should I double check?


no way - 回复

Hi, may I ask you if you could fix this "no network" problem and how? I have probably the same issue. Thanks a lot.

Matus -

My display has come unstuck. how can I paste it? need to completely disassemble? and what glue I need to use ...

Arshik27 - 回复

Looks like your fine work has been leeched here (and the text mangled in places):


Jon Green - 回复

Hello just replaced the display but unfortunately the mic and speaker do not work... Any Idears what to check?

sieratangoromeo - 回复

Hello, I'm looking to buy the lcd+digitizer+midframe assembly for the supposed sake of convenience. What would be the differences compared to what's shown in this specific teardown? Would it require a lot less steps or would I still have to go through the steps shown here? Thank you!

Dice Craps - 回复

I would really like to know why this is still only focusing on *how* to disassemble, as opposed to the logical evolution of intent, which is to educate people about the hardware contents of their devices; the tear-down being a means to "dig in".

My concern are three "ghost" chips in the A0001, specifically:

8407 CEH 05KTJ


P0911 3193

Also, in addition to the two Qualcomm chips, it would be valuable to point out the GPS and NFC antennas.

Maybe it is just me, but I have always found security value in these tear-downs.

Thanks though, for what it is,


funkyfunky - 回复

Is there any way that we can relocate one of the speakers to the opposite end so that we have sound coming from both sides?


subirdutta - 回复

I think the copper sheets provide good heat transmission and it is found used in htc phones quite widely but i am worried about OnePlus phones, thermal management is poor though.

Jidhin George - 回复

I think i could replace my OPO's battery with OP2, what suggestions? Are the dimensions same? I'd like to add those 200mAh.

Jidhin George - 回复

Awesome treadown ifixit team, can someone help me with what the display pin type/name is? I am trying to see if I can find an adapter to connect the display to raspberry pi. Thanks.

Ashwin - 回复

I'm replacing my volume controls and notice you guys did not de-solder the volume or power buttons, how is that done? what does it look like without solder on it. I've de-soldered mine and I see that there are three rectangles where the solder was, but i don't see underside contacts, did I rip them off an accident?

Jesse Popee - 回复

There are no solder underneath the boards. So you can just solder it on the upside of the board. You did not rip them off.

Beatz -

This is greate

masfik13 - 回复

i've replaced my screen and now my microphone do a "piii" sound, on calls nobody hears me, did i damaged it?

hed190 - 回复

do you repair oneplus one mother board

buzzar1987 - 回复

Does anyone have a schematic diagram for OnePlus One?

I broke my screen, replaced it, but also broke charger connection pins, so I need to braze it to alternative ones...


Vladimir Savic - 回复

i have a oneplus one 16gb which is having motherboard problem and oneplus 64 gb with a cracked screen. can i interchange or are the connectors different. pls reply arunoriental@outlook.com

arun - 回复

They're most likely the same! Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Jeff Suovanen -

Thank you for this, I just replaced my screen AND before my screen broke, my phone was acting slugish... So, after I had the screen put in, I ended up clearing the cache and dalvik. Now, I am experiencing the "Sleep of Death" syndrome where everything works fine until it falls asleep for more than 20? seconds. Then, when I press the power button to wake it, it just is a black screen. The phone seems to be working, as when I go to wake it it vibrates and still rings when I get a call, but the screen is black. I have deleted everything and tried two different roms and also reverted an old backup all with the same result. My question to you is, do you think that maybe there may be a connection or something that I missed while putting the phone back together, or could it be the screen itself maybe? I feel like I should have ruled out any software issues, and the same issue was happening while in recovery. Any clues would be awesome. Thanks.

Jeffrey Karbowski - 回复

After change touch in one plus one is not working properly

Jyotsna - 回复

My oneplus one phone battery status stuck at 50%. Charged for 7-8 hours many times but the problem persist. Have changed the usb port flex cable and battery but the problem is same. Please guide me what may be the problem. Sorry for my bad english.

Gagandeep singh - 回复

That screen is a nightmare to remove when shattered and putting a new one in on my Oneplus One had some issue with the middle frame and lifting underneath on one part. Replacement LCDs are crap and breaks easily. I prefer buying it now with the frame included less adhesive to worry about.

Galo M - 回复

Hi guys.

While openning the cover i broke this pin and now i have poor wifi signal and disconnecting bluetooth. Can i replace it, soldering some iron into it and it will be back to normal?

Example img:


Personal img:



Rimasi98 - 回复

Same problem here, =(

Did you fix it?

123Mar -

Git the same Problem.

It seems like even the Ifixit Guy who opened the Phone destroyed one connector.


If u look closely at the connectors one can see, that one pin is already missing…

Btw: How did u guys repaired ur Wifi/Bluetooth?

Ro _Bat -


ho un problema… ho sostituito lo schermo e quando lo accendo appare il logo e poi più niente ma il telefono rimane acceso… cosa può essere?

Gilbertovanone - 回复

I used this guide to change my LCD screen, it worked perfectly and took me 2 hours.

Thank you, it’s awesome! Hélène.

Hélène Burckel - 回复

Hello people, because of some issue headphone was not fitting in my headphone jack. Then I inserted a pin inside headphone jack. I hammered for a long time and I unfortunately broken something inside part of my phone and my WiFi stops working. ( There is only range for my WiFi when I put it near modem - range within 1m distance ) later I opened my cellphone and change WiFi wire which is near battery ( but I think it was not correct solution ) can somebody tell me what I need to change ? near headphone jack, is there any WLAN related part ?

maniyar.siddharth - 回复

Thanks for the article!

Be very careful while removing the battery! Without reading this instruction I’ve done this by my own and the battery has broken. Fire came out. This was very dangerous. So please smoothly peel off the sticky tape.

A new battery working fine. Replacing a missed SIM tray was also not a problem.

Charging my phone is difficult because the USB port has a slack joint. So I will replace the USB port soon.

I’ve installed Lineage OS 16.0 which is based on Android 9.0.0 (Pie). It works great. See https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/bacon

oliver skawronek - 回复

The guy who translated this page to chinese s literally copy-pasted from google translator.

yuanjiatong2001 - 回复



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