
1 名成员

Knights Mobile Repair

I report to you at your convenience at a safe location to perform your repair on the spot. Pickup and delivery and even mail-in options available too.


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Too busy to leave your business or work? How about having to leave your device at a shop and the wait for the call to go back to pick it up?

Maybe you afraid to leave your device with unknown hands?

I am here to help you.

Call or text me, email, FB or whatever form of communication you use, get a hold of me. You tell me what the issue is, once we work out the cost for your repair and I have the parts needed on hand we set up a date, time and a good location that will work for the both of us. Here is an example of some of the local meeting places I been adding on my website. These local business have given me permission to meet customers and perform the repairs. You can also read some of my repair stories on my FaceBook Page.

Other places that I have done repairs at are the back of my car at parking lots. peoples homes and even in doctors offices. Performed a repair on an IPhone 6 once in a doctors office while the customer was visiting with her doctor. When she came out from her visit with the doctor, she was amazed that the phone was ready for the post completion test on it. Doctor was amazed and took my info.

New idea in the works is a Mail-In service were we work out the deal in communication. I email a shipping label prepaid with instruction on what to do when you arrive at the post office. Once I receive the device, I perform the repair and send it right back to the address you provided.

All forms of payment are accepted like Credit Cards, Checks and even online email invoices from Paypal or Square.