
The Canon Rebel T5i, also known as the Canon 700D, was released in April 2013 (SKU: DS126431). This camera features an 18 megapixel CMOS sensor.

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How to get it on? Its not working.

Son dropped it and its not turning on.

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Unfortunately with it being dropped, there might be damage to a number of different internal components. There's a good chance that in order to fix the camera, you'd need to have it disassembled and examine the inside of it for damage. This could be tricky to do, especially if you're not experienced with working on electronics. It's also possible you wouldn't find any visible damage and to diagnose the problem you'd either have to test out parts or swap them out with replacements to see if that fixes it (there's also the risk of multiple components being damaged). A repair shop is also an option, though I'm not super familiar with the typical prices for camera repairs and it could very well not be worth the cost for the camera.

There is one thing you could check without needing to disassemble the camera. There two microswitches on the camera. One detects if the battery door is closed, and the other detects if the SD card door is closed. If both of these switches aren't pressed down (or if the switch is damaged), the camera will not power on. If it is one of the switches that are damaged, you'd be in luck since they'd be relatively easy and won't cost too much to replace (assuming there would be no other damage to the camera).

First check the LED indicator light on the lower-right of the backside of the camera. If the indicator light blinks when you try to power on the camera, it means the microswitches are not damaged. If the light does not blink, then you can proceed with inspecting the microswitches. The one for the battery door is the easiest one to inspect. Open the battery door and check the switch, as shown in the image below. Make sure the plastic lever on the switch is undamaged and isn't broken off.

Block Image

If that switch is fine, open the SD card cover to check that switch. This switch is a bit more hidden away (see image below). Check for damage like with the other switch.

Block Image

If both switches appears to be fine, than it likely is an internal component that's broken and as explained above won't be very easy to diagnose unfortunately.


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How exactly is the focus problem?




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