
Released in 2004 and identified by model number J3680. Compatible with Windows 2000 and newer software, and with OSX 10.3.8 and above.

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Digital Display Showing Cartridge Error

Hi, My machine is showing 'Cartridge Error'. I have carried out all the recommended fixes, cleaning, fitting new genuine HP cartridges to no avail. Is possible that the printer heads are defective? I have tried to find replacements on-line but it would seem they are no longer available. I am loth to dispose of the machine as it suits my requirements perfectly, especially with the phone attachment. I would be most grateful for any advice. Regards

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@nick any idea about this one?


@oldturkey03 Can confirm HP no longer makes the ink in capacities it is easy to come by, 3rd party or risky dead OEM stock to try new carts.





The printhead is on the cartridge with this series, so if the head is bad, the whole cartridge is bad. HP still sells OEM 21/22 ink, but it is not stocked in stores. Any store stock is almost certainly "high risk" dead stock that isn't getting any younger. I would not put much faith (if any) in NOS OEM inkjet carts like this because they tend to be shot if they aren't stored right (note: If it came with a unit, sure, but I won't seek them out) unless it was cheap and the use by date is within reason.
You're better off with third-party ink that has been checked and vetted on these. If you have trouble finding the OEM inks, the 3rd party inks are usually more plentiful (albeit usually not sold in stores and usually only available online). This is in contrast with NOS toner, which is usually fine.

If you have cleaned the contacts on both sides (you can use disposable eyeglass wipes for this) and it continues having issues, look into aftermarket ink from a good vendor; it's your only shot at getting ink that isn't prone to being no good just because it's old stock short of buying from HP online.

If that doesn't fix it, see if you can find a print mech from a junk unit. These all-in-one cart designs are prone to electrical wear on the contact side as they age due to poor contact and electrical shorting. It takes longer to occur on old models with better mechs, but newer ones tend to fail reliably within ~3-4 years.

Use this guide to get the printer apart, which is part of gaining access to the print mech if you find this is damaged.


得分 3


Hi Nick, Thanks for getting back to me. HP could have been more helpful in their handbook for the machine! There is no sign of wear, and tear on the print mech (only had it 3yrs, still in box when I brought it to replace another, never been used, little use as now retired) so have to assume it is the cartridges! Been buying of the same supplier for around 14yrs, never had a problem until now, hadn't checked use by date on the new HP cartridges, most items with a use by date have it printed clearly on the outside of the packaging not HP, as you know it is inside the box, so one has to open first! As reliable supplier had assumed O/K, have checked date's 4/2015, and 11/2018!!! So not very happy to say the least! Am now awaiting supplier to get back to me with a response, and refund. Sadly it looks like I am going to have to move with the times, and buy a new machine! Thanks again for going to the trouble of responding in detail. Regards Gaz P.S. Would have given you a higher score, 10, but would only allow 3?


@gaz46 Look at a Canon mono laser unless you need color. Keeping a spare laser is fine, but never do that with inkjets. Trash it and look at the current market.

I have a gut feeling HP is offloading old 21/22 stock and will discontinue it once they’re out unless this is just dead stock the seller didn't get rid of sooner since it's been a minute since HP sold a printer using 21/22 inks. Like I said, try some 3rd party ink if you can find it. It’s not a bulletproof solution, but it's more likely to work. Yes, I probably bought some for $1-2 years ago, but I doubt they still work; it has the old HP invent packaging. At least the local store here is offloading their expired dead stock sold as-is at gambling prices. DON'T ASSUME ANCIENT INK WORKS. It's usually dead. The ONLY TIME I'd touch it is if I'm getting universal photo paper (100+ sheets) for a similar price.


Thanks Nick👍


@gaz46 Do you expect HP to admit their carts have a hidden death date when they "age" like this and not use the risk to sell HP+/HP DS machines? Good luck. HP these days is a hard no. If it's not fresh when purchased, you run the risk of this issue. 1-2 years past tends to be fine (but HP will not replace it; you're taking a chance, so pay accordingly), but anything worse off is almost always electrically dead or clogged if it isn't dry inside.

This one probably isn't on the supplier; likely sold bad stock. It's probably older stock that was presented as newer than it is/sent that way, and they weren't aware. If I was selling ink like this, I'd be selling whatever I have as-is for cheap to get rid of it if this happened more than three times, and I kept seeing issues and no longer carry it. I don't care how good your supplier is; if you buy NOS ink, buy it at a price you can take the hit or dump the printer when you find more old bad stock compared to good, fresh stock. Once it gets too common, time for a new one.


Hi Nick, I certainly will not be replacing with another HP😡!




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