
HP Pavilion Notebook Laptop 15-ab293cl includes a, B&O play, and a 15.6 inch display. It is a multi-use personal and portable laptop manufactured in 2015. It features a 1080p touch screen display and a SD slot.

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Unable to connect to Wifi

When i tried to connect to wifi It shows as No Wi-Fi networks found even the laptop is near to wifi hub.

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Hi @sreemonrs

How close to the WiFi hub is the laptop?

Try using it as close as 10-15cm from the router and check if it detects the network at all.

If it does then there may be an antenna problem in the laptop. Loose connection perhaps.

Here's the maintenance and service guide taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

Go to p.51 to view the procedure to remove/replace the WLAN card. This will allow you to inspect the antenna cable connections.

If it still doesn't and assuming that the WLAN adapter shows that it is working OK in Device Manager, it may be a faulty WLAN card.

To check the status of the adapter in Device Manager, press the Win key + x key (both together) and click on the Device Manager link in the menu box that opens.

When in Device manager scroll down to Network Adapters → click on > to expand the list → right click on the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 entry → Properties → General tab and check in the Device status box that it shows " This device is working properly".


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Below I have written some things you should check/ do to help you connect to your WIFI:

1.       Ensure that Wi-Fi is turned on in your laptop settings. Sometimes, there may be a physical switch or function key that needs to be turned on.

2.       Restart your laptop and your Wi-Fi router. This can sometimes resolve connectivity issues.

3.       Check that Airplane Mode is turned off.

4.       Run the built-in network troubleshooter. On Windows, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network troubleshooter.

5.       Check your Wi-Fi is set to automatically detect networks. Go to Network & Internet settings, click on Wi-Fi, and ensure "Show available networks" is enabled.

6.       Although you mentioned being near the router, verify there are no obstructions or electronic devices causing interference.

7.       Forget the network and try reconnecting. Right-click on the Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar, select "Open Network & Internet settings," then "Wi-Fi" and "Manage known networks." Select your network and choose "Forget." Then try to reconnect.

8.       Check the router is broadcasting its SSID (network name). Access your router settings via a web browser and check the configuration to make sure the SSID broadcast is not hidden.

9.       If possible, check if other devices can see the network. If they can, your laptop’s Wi-Fi card might be the issue. Alternatively, try changing the channel on which your router broadcasts.

10.   If all else fails, reset the network settings on your laptop. On Windows, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network reset.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, it might be a hardware-related problem with your laptop's Wi-Fi adapter.


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