
Apple发布于2012年9月12日的第六代iPhone,维修时与前代型号一样,需要螺丝刀和撬棒。iPhone 5以多种版本销售:通讯制式有GSM/CDMA;存储容量有16/32/64G;颜色有黑/白。

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iPhone not turning on

Hey everyone, I have this old iPhone 5 I’d really like to get working again. Started with a battery replacement and I got some life, I could hear sound and Siri worked, however the screen wasn’t on. So I changed the screen. Still the same issue had sound, saw it come up on iTunes, and after a little bit I had no life. I know there are many possibilities but since I did have life, I’m wondering if the charging port just was fried. Before purchasing a replacement any thoughts on anything else I could try? Or anything I might be missing in terms of another fix? Thanks

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I'm not sure if I follow the possibility of a charging port being the issue. It sounds like the main potential problems are:

  1. The Screen
  2. Damage to the logic board during the battery replacement

The fact that the computer recognizes the phone indicates that the charging port works fine, and the fact that you can hear the sound coming from the device indicates that it is booting up.

I would try a replacement screen first. The LCD could have gone out or been damaged in some way. If that doesn't work I would assume there was damage done to the logic board during the battery swap, such as a blown backlight diode or blown backlight fuse. These repairs require microsoldering, but the components are pretty cheap.


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