
What are compatible screen replacements for the 14" screen?

What are compatible screen replacements for the 14" screen? What are compatible screen replacements for the 14" screen?

There might be several different options. just want to select the correct replacement part.

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Hi @davidd71995

Here's the maintenance and service guide for the laptop.

Go to p.25 Item #9 to find the HP part numbers for the 3 LCD panel types that are compatible with the laptop.

Go to p.75 to view the procedure to remove/replace the display assembly¹ and subsequently the LCD panel.

Search online using the applicable part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

Usually the part number can be found somewhere on the back of the LCD panel itself, if you wish to verify which one you have now.

¹ On p.75 it also gives the part number for a touch screen LCD panel for the laptop, but when searching online using the part number (821178-001) there are only results for a different laptop model and not your model, so I am not sure if this is correct or not. Just so that you're aware of this.


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Go to laptopscreen.com and punch in the model number of your laptop.

From there you should get options for the LCDs that fit your laptop including datasheets, if available.


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