
发布于2019年9月20日,这是苹果在2019年发布的最大且最贵的智能手机。它带有6.5英寸的OLED显示屏、三摄镜头以及大幅提升的电池续航。它继承了iPhone XS Max产品线。

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Unknown Battery Part / Shuts off about every minute

Hello all,

As the title explains I got the notification stating I had an unknown battery part. I still have the original battery part so I'm unsure why this is popping up. After reviewing battery health it shows it's at "0%" charging and will do a restart after about a minute of it being on. This doesn't provide me a large window to trouble shoot the issue. I have also popped it open and disconnected and reconnected the battery to see if it was a possible cable connection error but the problem remains. Any ideas?


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I purchased a battery from ifixit back in February I did the replacement and have had the same issues, the bigger problem is that I am no longer able to upgrade my iOS on my device not sure if this is because apple can’t verify the part or what. What is the warranty on iFIxit parts?




Sounds like your battery may have gone bad and may need replacement. The device hasn't gotten wet or suffered any hard drops has it?


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Hasn't got wet, and no hard drops. I'm currently deployed though, so I'm not sure I could get a replacement battery shipped here.




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