
The Philips Portable DVD player, model number PD9000/37, was manufactured in 2011.

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DvDs/CDs making a strange noise or not spinning when inserted.

Philips portable DVD player ((pd9000/37)), DvDs/CDs ((have tested multiple)) aren’t spinning at all and make a weird noise when inserted, or do spin and make a weird noise.

I suspect it may be the thingy in the middle that fell off, as there is a metal thing poking up (looks like a spring) that wasn’t there before, or maybe an issue with the thing that reads them, but i’m not entirely sure. My sister said that she was watching a DvD and it completely stopped working, but other than that, i have no clue what happened

Edit: I have left a DvD in there for a while (two times over), and after spinning briefly ((whilst making weird noises)), i could hear nothing and eventually the screen stopped saying “Reading” and just said “No disc.” Please let me know if you have any idea how this may have originated/how this could be fixed.

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Hi @shark35408

You may have to replace the entire optical disc drive module as there doesn't seem to be any separate component parts for the drive.

Unfortunately, I cannot find any replacement part for your particular model.

Perhaps there may be a part number on the drive module itself, that you can search for online to hopefully find a replacement.

Here's the ifixit Philips PD9000 37 Disk Drive Replacement guide that may help.


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Thank you immensely, i will look into that. I am now certain that the issue is that piece that is missing, i'm trying to find it if i can.




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