
Why does my toothbrush vibrate but won't turn on

When I go to hit the power button my toothbrush vibrates 3-4 times in sets of two but won't turn on and vibrate. No lights show or anything... Also, it won't charge when in the case or the glass cup. Is it a battery issue or what?

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Same problem as yours. I have a $350 diamond clean that is about 1 months old. One day suddenly it just stopped charging and its doing exactly what you’ve described.

I’ve scoured thru many posts but there’s no solution.

I filed for a warranty exchange.

Philips is running a scam by not allowing users to change the batteries on these 300$ toothbrushes - it says recycle it and buy a new one. Also they keep changing charges so you have to buy the new brush altogether.

Philips is my customer at work and I know for sure it’s by business design for more sales




There are some goid suggestions here,

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Troubleshooting

Make sure the glass cup has a goid connection and is charging.


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