Forma is frozen and will not power down
Where can I send my Forma in to be repaired? It just froze. It won't let me do anything and will not even power down.
Same with me. After days of fiddling with the machine, I hooked it to a computer and, when I was about unhook it and throw the Forma in the tash bin, it came to life. Weird. But it works fine now (or, the last time I used it). Arrrggghhhh
My Forma got very mildly wet and was "stuck". It would not let me power down or reset in any fashion. After 5 days with just a blank screen, it suddenly started working again. I have no reasonable answer as to how this happened except to say it possibly needed time to dry out.
过去 24 小时: 1
过去 7 天: 6
过去 30 天: 24
总计 617
Please tell me the solution.
由 National Minibus 完成的
Can't reset it by pushing power button and page turn button.
Screen says "Sleeping" and "Charging 98%"
由 NealeA 完成的