
15 inch "Desk Lamp" iMac G4 700MHz M6498 PowerMac 4,2

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How to bypass putting in a password

I got one of these out of e waste, and decided to restore it. it works fully and the previous owner’s info is on there. I am wondering, is there is a way to bypass or reset the computer’s password so that i have full access to the computer?

also to mention i have a windows keyboard so what i can do on the mac may be limited by the keyboard.

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To get full access to the computer, you will need to reinstall MacOS. Do you want to install the MacOS that came on this computer or the latest MacOS compatible with this computer?


When i got it it had 10.4.11, and i do want to keep some of the data on the drive. but i honestly want to be able to run mac os 9 and a version of os 10.

it currently runs os 10.4.11 and os 9.2, and it has apps like sherlock, ichat AV, acrobat reader 5.0, quicktime, itunes, quicken 2002,sonos desktop, appleworks 6, and many other apps i want to keep


@andrewsawesome I got it with 10.4.11 and I want to run Mac OS 9.2 and macOS 10, although I cannot decide on a version and might just go with Mac OS 10.4.11 again





You will need to reinstall MacOS. To reinstall MacOS on this computer you will need the (re) installation CD(s).


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@andrewsawesome No I don’t have any Mac OS install CDs


@Roman See my revised answer.


It just boots up normally for whatever reason


@andrewsawesome it doesn’t go to it it just boots up normally when I hold down the buttons


@Roman What happens if you:

1. Start holding Command+R

2. Press the power button.

3. Keep holding Command+R until the "MacOS Utilities" screen or the login screen shows.




@Roman - Sorry your system doesn’t offer recovery services (intel systems only)

The proper way is to use the grey bootable CD the system came with and using the menu option to reset your firmware password with it.

There is another way and thats removing one of the SO-DIMM’s and PRAM battery and then with no cord plugged in pressing and holding the power button for 15 secs to fully drain the logic board. Now you should be able to get to your drive.

You might encounter this error "To continue booting, type ‘mac-boot‘ and press return”

Follow this Apple TN: PowerPC: "To continue booting, type ‘mac-boot‘ and press return" Message


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