
2020年4月宣布和发布的第二代iPhone SE的维修和拆卸信息。

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Back of the iPhone SE 2020 is cracked

Hello, i currently have my iphone se 2020 for 4 months and suddenly i doscvered under the case that the entire back is cracked like a huge spiderweb. After doing many researches i have the following two options:

  1. change the entire phone to e certified apple store that will cost me 300 eur
  2. change the back glass only to a non certified third party place for 50 euros but have a chance of lagging the phone, dust proof etc functions that might stop working for me
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In my experience, I would always replace the whole housing, not just the back glass.

Although back glass replacement has come a lomg way, it still is never the same quality of repair as a new housing.


得分 2


Yes this is also another great idea unless the housing is in good condition and you do not want to open the device.



Here’s a video tutorial I made!



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I know apple is so stupid with their prices. Currently the only way to fix this is to take it to apple or give it to a 3rd party that uses a laser that melts the extremely strong adhesive on the glass. I dont think that giving it to a 3rd party to fix will lag the phone, it might affect the water resistance (its always a good practice to keep your devices away from water and other liquids)but i dont think dust might be a big problem if they install the new backing right. Perosnally i would take it to a 3rd party to get it fixed as my iphone xs back is cracked too but I haven’t gotten around to give to a repair shop to repair it. Jerryrigeverything has a video on the laser removing the adhesive and its pretty cool. Heres the video if you want to watch the process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj4Od9D4...


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There are many back glass repair services out there. They are usually inexpensive but you can do it your self. It is easier with a laser machine but heat could work to, but is extremely difficult and you may damage something in the process.


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Only function of glass on back is to allow wireless charging… I’d diy fix with epoxy and or packing tape.. why bother replacing??


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To be honest, it is actually cheaper to do yourself (if you understand all of the iFixIt guides. If you have spare money and want a trustful repair. Look around for certified apple stores as there may be more that offer cheaper repairs. A fair price i would say for a certified store would be around €200, or for a non-certified store €100.

Hope this helped!


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