MBPr 15" - Display Gasket damage suggestions?
The display gasket on my MBPr 15” tore slightly just over the webcam while opening the laptop up. This is unfortunately a fairly big deal for two reasons: 1 This is the computer I use to show clients updates & finished product in person so I make a point to keep it clean and baby it as if it were a floor model, and 2, this is my only laptop! So I am fairly crushed about this, especially considering how seriously powerful these still are today due to Moore’s Law.
Has anyone ever repaired or replaced a gasket on one of these machines? As I show in the images, it’s just a small bit that’s broken off, and it sort of sticks back on but with an unappealing crease; Is there perhaps a glue or epoxy that would be able to fill in the creasing and stick the original part on, or fill in the spot?
Any constructive advice/opinion would be seriously appreciated; given the laptops age and value, it wouldn’t make sense to bother buying a new screen and swapping it given that they range 300-400 USD, so it would make sense to buy a newer model in good shape for demo purposes. It would be quite a shame to have to give up on this system over such a seemingly tiny issue!