
Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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A1534 Not charging - Can you boot on DC Power?

Is it possible to boot an A1534 Macbook Air 2015 on DC Power? Battery label has: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery 7.56V = 41.41Whr 5474mAh

The battery is dead flat and wont charge. Original USB-C charger is a little dented. The macbook was working fine before the battery ran out.

What is the Battery VCC so I can try and boot it on a DC power supply?

Otherwise is it possible to directly charge the battery with my lab power supply?

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Was able to measure the charge rate of a working model.

8.5 Volts @ 30 Watts.

*Don’t play with batteries unless you are a trained professional*


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That not the answer!

Using a simple USB-C power meter could have told you that! You need to look a bit deeper the see this is not consistent through the charging cycle!


@danj what lab power supply do you use?


I use a pair of HP units.

But to be clear they are replacing the need of the battery not charging the system! I use them on my bench to service systems.



Its not that simple ;-{

Lithium Ion batteries can’t support a flat charge, you risk damaging the battery and your device.

Its best to just replace your charger if its damaged. Apple now allows other USB-C chargers to charge their systems but you still need to be careful! Make sure it’s an approved charger and offers enough wattage for your system.

USB-C opens up some new options for people! For years we needed an Apple charger as there just wasn’t any other way (the knockoff chargers people have tried ended up damaging their systems!)

Apple now allows other USB-C methods to charge their systems but you still need to be careful!

Here’s a good write up on backup batteries High-Capacity USB-C Battery Pack Comparison and Review These will charge your system via a DC connection. If that’s the direction you want to go with.


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I have a lab power supply. This is their very purpose. I was hoping someone knows the settings for Apple batteries. If I had a working unit I would be able to reverse engineer it myself.

Does anyone know the battery VCC for this model or a manual where to find it?


I don’t know what you are asking but it is not possible to boot that mac via a DCPS with two wires soldered to some logic board pads producing 20V. If you are looking at charging the battery via your DCPS I don’t think that is possible either unless you have a current sensing circuit in-between like the devices for iPhones but I haven’t seen them for macs.


@Zero Alpha - Your lab power supply can supply the Mac's logic board with the needed power to run (if correctly setup)

Thats not the same thing as charging a Li-Ion battery!


@danj These boards are a nightmare Dan. I know older boards with the magsafe you can run from DCPS but I think the 820 00244 needs additional information from the usb-c before it will open the gate on Q3100. I am sure I tried it on this board to see how many AMPS it was drawing but ended up having to purchase an usb-c ammeter. I suppose you could try connecting the usb-c lead to the DCPS. All in all I would say U3100 is faulty anyway so it probably would still not boot.


@imicrosoldering - True these are a bear to fix!

You need to solder on the power leads directly on the logic board by-passing the UBS-C port. I gave up fixing logic board issues. That still won't help you if the port logic is damaged which is quite common.





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