TX-P46GT30E random restarts with no red or yellow light

For quite a long time now our Panasonic Viera TX-P46GT30E has been randomly restarting. This can happen at any time no matter what we watch. Sometimes it does this multiple times in a row in quick succession and sometimes nothing happens for several hours.

We’ve already taken the back off and investigated all circuit boards. We used a can of compressed air to blow off all the dust we could see (including all fans and circuit board connectors/cables). The problem still persisted. We’ve also tried taking the batteries out of the remote to see if maybe the remote was randomly telling the TV to turn off. Last thing we tried were different power outlets in the house but this also didn’t bring any new results. There are no error codes or anything. When the TV restarts it just blinks a couple times with a green light like it normally has done. When it restarts there is an audible ‘click’ coming from the TV.

I think that’s everything I can tell about the problem so far, I checked a lot of other posts on the forums here but couldn’t find anything related for quite a while. I’m pretty certain it probably has something to do with the PSU but I have no clue where to go from here. I couldn’t find replacement boards with a few google searches. Perhaps someone here has a few good insights? Thanks for any help in advance and hope everyone has a nice day.

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