
苹果2016年对于专业用户的笔记本更新。具有15英寸,2880*1800的Retina显示器, 四核心 Intel Core i7处理器, 256 / 512 GB /1 TB / 2TB 存储空间, 16 GB 内存, 和一个带有Touch Bar的键盘。2016年11月发布,型号为 A1707。

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New battery replacement not charging, even after smc reset.

The battery status just shows 1% and a message saying, “battery is not charging”. Coconut battery shows 0% charge and recognizes the battery and capacity along with the manufacture date of the new battery.

pmset -g batt

Now drawing from 'AC Power'

-InternalBattery-0 (id=10354787) 1%; AC attached; not charging

failure: "Permanent Battery Failure"

Detailed failures: "Open Thermistor" present: true

Did I get a bad replacement?

已回答! 显示答案 我也有这个问题


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I have the same problem and downloaded CoconutBattery and it shows all details about the battery with cycle count 1, Current charge 0 mAh, Full Charge Capacity 6803 mAh and Battery Temperature 83.9 F. The Battery info states Manufacturer Simplo, Manufacture date 2019-03-18, Age 451 days, Load Cycles 1, Serial D86638402UYHDWC4L, Power Adapter 86 watts and connected.

So, every thing is correct, battery sensing intact and charger connected. I have reset the SMC like 4-6 times. Hard to tell if it was actually reset since this Mac doesn’t have the chime (older Macs would chime twice when resetting the SMC). I’m puzzled and am going to contact iFixit again today as the only thing I can see that could be wrong is a faulty battery.

Other ideas are appreciated.


Please update me. I’d appreciate the help.


Leaving an update here. I contacted iFixit support about a replacement. I don't know what else can be done here.

Finding any information in the forums or else where has not been fruitful. I've only seen recommendations to reset smc and nvram which I've done.

I'll keep this thread updated with my results.


An update for anyone with the same issue.

I received a replacement from iFixit. It was prompt. The new battery came with a 40%’ish charge and the laptop worked as expected with the new battery.

Just need to return the old one now. As an fyi, I’m not under obligation to return. They did not need to authorize an additional charge in order to send me a new battery, and the return shipping is prepaid by them. They made it easy as could be.


Sounds good. I have a 3rd battery pack coming from the Amazon seller so will install it Sunday or Monday when I return. I’ve also ordered a USB-C power meter to see if the MB Pro is trying to charge in addition to the battery voltage for a charge. I do know with some certainty that the Simplo batch from March 2019 seems to be problematic. I did go to their site and submit a question but have not heard back from them.






It sounds like either the replacement battery is no good (which sometimes happens) or there was some damage to the battery or main logic board during installation.

If you still have the original battery you were replacing, and it’s in decent enough shape after the removal, and it was able to take some charge before it was removed, you can try reinstalling the original battery to see if the charging issue is isolated to the replacement battery. This is a pain, though, because it involves removing the battery you just installed (you may need safe double-sided tape to reinstall later). If the issue persists with a separate battery installed, you can feel confident the cause is not the battery, in which case the issue is deeper, possibly on the main logic board level. Otherwise, you are probably liable for some sort of return and would need to order another replacement battery.

Hope this helps!


得分 3


I was afraid of that. The old battery is in good enough physical shape to reinstall as the install was pretty straight forward. It certainly took a charge prior to replacement, it just didn't hold out for long.

I was hoping for a different answer so I didn't have to uninstall and re-install only to do it all over again when a replacement hopefully comes. [sigh]

Thanks for your input.


@Buckley Robinson I feel the frustration. I wish you the best of luck!



I’ve requested a replacement battery from ifixit. This battery is over a year old according to CocunutBattery monitor with 2.2v on it. I’m suspicious that it just won’t take a charge as my mb pro says it’s trying to charge it but doesn’t make any progress.

I opened the laptop up and checked all connections and cleaned the main pancake connector and reassembled it. No change at all. I see on Amazon that there are the same A1870 batteries for about 50% off the ifixit price. Two of the Amazon listings actually have a few feedbacks that they worked. There’s many people on ifixit with replacement problems for this battery so I’m suspect on the part which is made by Simplo.


得分 0


Same here. My manufacture date is 2019-03-18. Thanks for the update! Just waiting for iFixit's response for replacement or refund.


And to those advising putting the old battery back in - not an option as the old battery is so swollen it‘a about to explode. That’s the reason for replacing it!


So took out the central battery board (BMS) and checked the voltage across the battery terminals. It is 11.5v but at the terminals to the pancake connector it is 2.2v. That tells me the BMS is faulty and not the battery per se.


I've ordered a USB-C power meter and am going to do some diagnostics on the charging circuit per the video by Louis Rossmann (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1pSqm97...) to see if it might be the charging circuit. I also have ordered another replacement battery from Emaks on Amazon. They confirmed it is NOT a Simplo battery module from March 2019 so that is the next step. I'll post more once all this is completed.


I went through some testing on each USB-C port checking voltages and current draws. All USB-C ports went to 20v. However, the right side of the MB Pro had higher currents and were slower to descend to zero amps than did the left side. I also connected a (+) and (-) to the pancake connector to check voltage of the battery and amperage as it was discharged/charged. Oddly enough, the voltage on the battery was wildly fluctuating on initial install from around 8.8 - 10v which was really strange. I connected a fixed voltage (11.5v) power supply to the pancake connector to see if it would fake the MB Pro into booting. It almost did boot but then went back to 'low battery' icon.

I dropped it off at RossMann Group repair shop in NY city on 6/25. They agreed that with three new batteries, it is likely a charging circuit problem. I'm also wondering now if it is possible that the charging circuit went bad which ruined the original battery? That is a possibility it seems.

More to follow.....




Hello. I’ve had the same problem. My original battery failed and two replacements have also failed. The cell voltage seems fine but the “pack” voltage where the BMS board connects to the rest is 2.2 V.

It might read 2.2 V because the BMS FET has turned off. When trying to charge the pack voltage fluctuates between 10~11 V.

One replacement failed because the bus wire that connects the cells rubbed against the sharp aluminum edge of the case and shorted.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) A1708 model


得分 0

I have the same problem, but with a MacBook Pro8,1 Early 2011

I replaced the already dead swollen battery for a new one from a seller in Amazon, it came with 78% charge, but it won't charge, I already troubleshoot for bad AC cords, which they work fine with other MacBooks, without any luck, tried resetting the SMC, force shutdown, disconnect battery and press the power button while no battery present, checked physically if the battery was not connected properly, so far nothing has worked, I even run Terminal with the next info:

-g batt

Now drawing from 'AC Power'

 -InternalBattery-0 (id=4915299) 42%; AC attached; not charging present: true

Do you have any other suggestion that might help?

On the other hand, vents are always on a medium to high level with only one app run

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Block Image

ning, I also replaced RAM and upgrade to a SSD. Could any of these changes affect the battery charging?


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