
Apple 的第三代智能手表,配备可选的蜂窝网络功能,发布与2017年9月22日。

20 个问题 查看全部

Screen Repair / New Screen Needed!


My Apple Watch. 3 Months Old. Dropped.

I think that says a lot.

Waist height drop? It was outta there.

The OLED panel has cracked, where is the best place to go for a replacement, or where is the cheapest screen (that is good) for me to buy? Really underwhelmed with Apple’s repair program. I feel confident I could replace it, but son’t want to spend over £100 on a screen!


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If you want to do it yourself, I would say the safest way to go is buying one from iFixit because you know that it will work, but sadly all of them are for over £100.

The cheapest at about £135, for about £140 you can also get tools to help you repair it yourself.

iFixit Store: https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Parts/Apple...

There are probably a lot of cheaper ones to sale in other places, but I wouldn’t want to buy a new screen that I don’t know if it will work or not. (I won’t link a cheaper option because I don’t want to recommend something that I can’t promise will work.)

So what I would do is to go and ask how much Apple would take for it and if it’s more than a new screen I would buy a screen and if it’s cheaper to let them repair it I would let them do it.

Hope this helps! :D


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Sorry for late reply! Thank you very much I will definitely do that, the only problem is I can’t seem to buy the screen for UK delivery? Thank you for our help!


*your help -


No problem! :D

I can't find it in the EU store, but you should be able to buy it from the other store and order it to the UK.




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