
The Sony Bravia KLV-46X200A is a flatscreen TV in Sony's Bravia series.

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I need SONY BRAVIA KLV 46X200A training manual

I need SONY BRAVIA KLV 46X200A training manual

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crkgamage, when you say you need a training manual, are you thinking operators manual or service manual? The owners manual is available here Sony 46X250A Owners Manual which also includes your model. Here is the SM Sony 46X200A SM Good Luck and I hope this will help you getting your TV back...


得分 3


+ for your server


@oldturkey03 , trouble accessing links.


@lpfaff1 that is why I stopped adding links to my answers. As we all know most websites do not keep things for as long as iFixit. You may start looking into that as well. Your answers are coming of age where this may just happen as well.

Manuals added links deleted.


@oldturkey03, Yes, In an ideal world it would be nice to be able always add manuals,etc., which a lot of the time I will try and add if available for free, we can only do so much as unpaid volunteer's. This has happened to some of my answer's and I had to update the links and as you did, if available I try to add manuals if available to me. I just want you to know, I did not just pull this question up out of the Blue it came up on the forum page yesterday looked interesting so I thought I would check it out and when found no links to info. thought I would shoot you a msg., not to meant to upset you only trying to help. Wishing you a good day as always, OT.


@lpfaff1 I do wholeheartedly agree with you and am in no way upset. All I was getting to was that it is a pain when we lose an answer due to missing links. In the past I had all my manuals available for download but had to rotate those due to storage size limits. Little did I know that people are actually inquiring about devices and help on some of those old questions. I've received many emails inquiring about those manuals and links and send those to people that still need help with that.

I am grateful for you letting me know about this. That way I can still make some of my old answers useful by adding manuals etc. to it and deleting the old links. That option was not available at the time when most of those answers were posted.




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