
Why is my display not turning on?

Hi, I have a 4 year old Dell Vostro 3446 laptop and it's recently started acting up. A month ago, I turned on the laptop to find it beeping (at me) eight times and then repeating the same a couple of times without turning on.

I realised that the laptop has actually booted up as the windows tune played in the background. I figured that my laptop's display is at fault. At first I removed the battery and it would switch on sometimes. Now, that doesn't work.

I now keep reopeoning and closing the lid, turn it on 8 or 10 times in hope that the display boots up. The display test works fine when I press windows key + power. It still beeps but the display test is carried out without a hitch. Please help with this. Have tried removing and reinstalling the RAM but to no avail.

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In your model laptop, 8 beeps on startup indicate a LCD failure. Here is an image taken from the link.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Here is a link to the Owner manual for your laptop.

Scroll to p.25 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the LCD assembly.

It is useful as it shows you how to gain access to check if there is a problem with the video flex cable (or the connections of the cable at either end).

Given that you say that it does work after moving the lid up and down multiple times it may be wise to check this first, as the cable passes through the hinge area between the case and the lid.

With the laptop turned on, also check if there is an image detectable by using a torch shone closely at an angle to the screen. it will be very faint if it is there. If you can detect an image then there is a backlight problem. Again given your description, check the video cable first.

Hopefully this is of some help.


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