Is the watch still waterproof with a cracked screen?
I cracked the screen of my apple watch. The screen stills works fine. Is it still waterproof?
Here are pictures of the crack
No, the water resistance is weakened once there is a crack in the glass as water can seep through that.
Can I still wash my hands while wearing it?
I wouldn't risk it, better to be safe than sorry and take your watch off while washing your hands.
Did you get the extended warranty (AppleCare +)? If you did you can get it replaced for free.
My screen is cracked too. I bought AppleCare + and now they want $74.00 to repair watch ... WTF? I thought repair | replacement was what I was getting when I paid for AC+. Have been a loyal Apple customer since first iPhone ... I’m Not really satisfied with Apple customer service right now.
Nope, even with a tiny crack the watch is no longer water resistant we have a watch full of water to prove it.
I have a similar crack now on my watch! :( the crack is barely visible. But is it still waterproof is my first question? Let me know if you know more. I'm also wondering if I can somehow make it waterproof?
As @benjamen50 stated the crack is a weak point so water can seep through which will damage your watch. The best thing is to get the display replaced. It is the only way to waterproof the watch.
But! The replacement display won't be as water tight as the original!
The problem is the process of taking the old one off can distort or damage the surfaces the display sits within so the seal is not as tight. While this will me more that tight enough for sweat and washing of ones hands it's not wise to go swimming with the resealed watch as the depth of the water will apply greater pressure.
Makes sense. It breaks my heart though, its only a few months old and i love swimming with it! I'm regretting not taking the apple care now! :( Thank you anyway, Dan!
I have a big crack but I can’t open it because I can’t reach the 0 so I can’t get in through my phone or Apple Watch
I have a crack that isn’t on the surface and it’s really tiny….so do the same rules apply?
this goes for all devices, water “resistancy” is voided any time you crack any part of the device. this can include screens or camera lenses or anything else. scratches are generally ok, as long as they aren’t deep. another thing is the device doesn’t even need to be “damaged” with a crack to have a voided water resistancy. something as simple as a slight frame bend can completely void water resistancy, as can dings and dents in the frame around where it connects to a screen or back piece.
water resistancy is great but I would advise against relying on it. after all, you’re going to spend more money and time convincing a judge you “only dropped it in the allowed amount of water” than you did on the device, because manufacturers don’t cover water damage under warranty as far as I’m aware.
and to answer the OP, yes, water resistancy is gone. I’m unsure if apple guarantees water resistancy when they repair devices. I’m sure they replace the adhesive that holds the screen on with a water tight adhesive seal, however any imperfections in the frame could cause that seal to not be as strong, and thus lose water resistancy. so unsure if they test these devices to ensure water resistancy.
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Mine has the same crack. Was wondering the same thing.
由 Mark Mullin 完成的
Same here. I have the same exact crack. Just took it to Apple since the screen was going crazy. They can't say if its water damage, but it would be $220 to find out and repair. A new series 3 is $279.
由 cyhenriks 完成的
I have series 3 also screen cracked and went black after swimming what do I need to fix it?
由 Tom 完成的
to replace ( fix ) an apple watch glass costs around 400 usd in china Apple stores... Get a new one or fix outside.
由 e_ercen 完成的
I have a way bigger crack on mine and the screen doesn’t seem to be working, what should I do??
由 Eva 完成的