
Wireless gaming headset released in October 2014. The Astro A50 (Model: 3AS50-PSW9N-383) can be used with the XBOX1, PS3, PS4, PC, and Mac.

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New USB breakout wiring?

So the USB port on this pair of Astro A50s is totally botched, can't find a replacement part for it. I decided to try a breakout board, but I don't know what the yellow wire is for, on the original USB board is says it's "Wire 1" I got the unit charging by hooking up the USB+ to VCC and USB- to Ground.

I don't think it's related to the unit not syncing to the base station, but id like to know what the purpose of it is.

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What breakout board did you use and where did you purchase it from. Did your solution work?





Hi @vellah ,

Don't know your headphones but perhaps the wire is a "sense' wire to tell the control board to switch the battery over from supplying the headphones to being charged instead or something similar.

As there is a different cable to connect the transmitter base to a computer than to connect to the headphones for charging, it may be like when you have to use an OTG cable in Android. This "tells" a device like a phone (or tablet) to supply power to the port, e.g. when inserting a USB flashdrive, rather than to receive power from the port.e.g. when connecting to a PC. This is done by supplying a permanent -ve signal (eth or ground) on a sense wire connected to the port. Long way of saying it tells the control board to act differently.

If you can, with the "charge cable" plugged into the breakout pcb but not connected to anything, use an Ohmmeter to test if there is a connection between the "ID" connection and ground (USB -ve) on the breakout pcb

If there is then it means that when you insert the cable it puts a -ve (or earth - ground) signal on the ID or "sense" lead. In your case you would think that you'd have to connect the yellow wire to the "ID" connection in the breakout pcb.

If you connect the yellow wire to the ID connection you could also check what voltage, if any, there is between pins Vcc and Ground on the breakout pcb when you connect a s/c between ID and ground (or plug in the micro USB end only of the charge cable if it has a s/c between pins 4 & 5) and when you don't have anything plugged into the port or a s/c between pins 4 & 5

As I said I don't know your headphones but can they still be used if you are charging the battery? If not perhaps it is a signal to turn off the bluetooth to allow the battery to charge

This is all conjecture on my part so apologies if it is totally wrong.


得分 3

Just fixed one of these headsets. Can confirm that yellow goes to D- (usb2.0 pinout)


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What breakout board did you use to repair the heat set?


I would like to know as well because I have the exact same issue.


4 pin usb type c female socket on Amazon it’s super tiny but works great. V-red g-black D- yellow(I read in a forum D- is yellow from a repair guy)I’m not telling you to do this. This is what I have done. . I just did this mod to my Astro A50 gen 2. I made the port hole slightly bigger can still use headphone jack. No glue the way the speaker housing fits hold the connector in place. I also went with a magnetic usb type c cable that way I’m not yanking on the port I just slightly tilt the cable to disconnect it. Right now my headset is charging I’m keeping a eye on it to make sure it fully chargers and red light comes on. GUYS PLEASE DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I ALSO WILL NOT LEAVE IT CHARGING UNATTENDED. GOOD LUCK MY HEADSET LIVES AGAIN LOL.




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I might get some of that port putty and enclose it with that to protect the wires and also will stop the port from moving.




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