
Repair and service information for the Lenovo IdeaPad 305. Released in 2015, the Lenovo IdeaPad 305 line consists of 3 bright colors and Dolby Advanced Audio.

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Idea pad 305 wont charge

i have had my idea pad 305 for just over a year i purchased for a project which then never happened. i used it for emails and a few other bit for a short while. I then started using it when i needed to put parental controls on the family windows 10.

It ran out of power so i connected the charger and it never charged regardless of how long i left it charging. i then borrowed a charger from work which worked, it ran out of power again i used the work charger again and it wont charge at all i have since purchased a new charger and that does not work either.

Any help would be greatfully received.

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@pridu99 sounds like your battery is the problem. Most likely from the long time of having been discharged and now no longer holds a charge. Replace it and re-evaluate


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you would not believe it. I borrowed the work lead again and pushed it in quite firmly and it started working. I tried both the original and the recently purchased leads but they still wouldn't work. we tried all combinations too to ensure it wasn't anything really daft. I decided it must be the connectors and on really close inspection found that the work one was just over one millimeter longer than the other two. I shaved the plastic off the end of one and now its perfect.

Sorry to have wasted your time.


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Is it possible that the bit inside my laptop that the charger goes in to could be broken




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