My mic doesn't work when my earbuds are plugged in
Whenever I plug in my earbuds my microphone doesn't work. I can hear the person I'm talking with but they can't hear me. Its worked a few times so I know that it can work.
So my headphones work perfectly fine, except the mic. I can hear perfectly from the earbuds but whenever I make a video or call someone, all they hear is a buzzing sound. I don’t know how to fix it… does anyone know I i could
exactly i have the same issue how did you resolve it?
Try blowing in the mic. Could be blocked. Happened to me.
In my phone ,the headphones icon shows but i can't connect the Bluetooth headphones in my phone they are working in background I can't hear any media sounds.plz any one help me
Do your earbuds have a built in microphone? If so try taking a video and seeing if the audio works that way. There is also a button you can press on the call screen that usually switches it from one microphone to the other. Also, make sure the headphones are plugged in all the way.
My earbuds don't have a built in mic. I don't see anything on my call screen that gives me the option to switch mics.
Does your headphone jack have 3 or 4 little sections on it? The little piece you plug into the phone, count how many rings are on it.
It has three
I have iPhone earbuds why won’t they work right now? I checked if they were plugged in.... they are! I checked if the wires were broke they’re not! WHATS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?
My earbud does have built in microphone, i just bought yesterday still my mic is not working, i have used 3, 4 earphones still not working, is the problem in my phone??
So to start off with, at least you headphone jack is working and not stuck in headphone mode which can be a P.I.A. I know this is possible because I have a audio jack I take phone calls with with my car and people can hear me through one of the 3 microphones.
1. Let's test to make sure all of your microphones are working. Take two quick video and say test or something on both the front and rear camera. Playback and confirm you have sound.
2. If you haven't deleted it with the new IOS, go into voice memo and click the upper right corner of the screen with the sound icon, it's a little buggy since IOS 10 so toggle it from blue to white a couple of times to make sure its recording on your lower microphone and test the lower microphone by making a recording. If all three of your microphones work than we can go from there.
Let me know the results!
I just tried that. When I record a video with my earbuds connected the mic works. But it still doesn't work when I make a call.
I have a problem. My mic was working fine but when I plugged in my ear phones, the mic for the ear phones work but when I unplugged the earphones, my ipad’s Mic stopped working. I tested it by taking a video and the audio was fine. For some reason, no one can hear me from Facebook messenger, discord etc. can anyone help?
Ok. If you read my full post I have you test all 3 microphones without your headphones plugged it. Try all three and post the results.
OK I just did what you said without the earbuds being connected and all three recordings have sound- the mic picked up the sound in each setting. I tried each of the same three functions with my earbuds connected and only the video recordings picked up sound. Voice recording did not pick up the sound.
Do you suggest anything else
Any other suggestions?
Help . I need more info
My iphone has the same problem. did you find a solution?
I use my android headphones as my ps4 mic (EarBuds) the mic on the earbuds dosent work. I can hear my friends but They can’t hear me
Try putting ur mic volume up
So you might need a CTIA to OMTP converter. Basically for some reason some headphones have the ground and mic position switched and this fixes that.
When you plug in the headphones, you’ll get a pop up that gives you options. Make sure you select Headphone, not Headset. If you select Headset, you disable your internal microphone.
How do you switch it from headphone to headset?
Ya something to do with the system like my headphones inside my phone system is not on how do I turn it on
That's what I first thought, but when I plug them into my phone the mic on the earbuds works.
Well, I used to have the same problem over and over. First of all, you can try turning on your video because most audio works when the video is turned on. Second of all, you can try one of your three microphones. Most people’s devices have three different sources of audio connection that they can try. Third of all, there’s supposed to be this button on the earpiece, try pressing it once and see if it works. Fourth of all, try to increase the volume on your earphones with the little plus button, it also has a minus button to reduce. And last of all, just check if your earphones are plugged in properly and that none of the wires have issues. If any of these work, then you’re welcome, but if they don’t work, then I’m sorry, you should see a professional or just get new earphones!
Mine just had this problem, saw it was clogged of only god knows. I stuck a sewing needle in them to clean them, not sure that’s the best way but in the moment that’s all i could think of.
Like Nick I found lint in the audio, and lightning, ports. I recommend not using a metallic needle. I used a very small plastic zip tie which I made even slimmer and added barbs along the tip using a razor blade. That did a nice job of hooking the stuff packed in there.
So it is one of four most likely situations,
Well, it can also just be lint stuck in the headphone jack where I'd say try using a plastic pick to clean it
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So does mine but i did everything for iT to
由 Vivi Prater 完成的
Plz help me for my problem
由 Namrata Tiwari 9C 完成的
Same as me too please any solution to this please?🙏
由 Jinadu Malik 完成的