
Released in 2007 and can be identified by the model number nc8430.

2 个问题 查看全部

How do I replace my spacebar key?

My spacebar gets stuck and doesn't work on keyboard. The other keys work fine and respond when touched. The spacebar key is the only key on m keyboard that tends to get stuck from time to time. Needs Replaced.

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Hi @cnickers ,

Unfortunately it is easier to replace the entire keyboard than to fix problem keys, as you can cause more problems than what you had when trying to fix them.

Here is a link to the service manual for your laptop. Scroll to Sect. 5-18 onwards to view the necessary pre-requisites and the procedure to remove the keyboard.

The manual also gives the relevant part numbers for the different keyboards. (They are country specific). If you search online, using the relevant part number only, you will get results for suppliers of the part.

Hopefully this is of some help


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