
Fan not running, drive overheating

I have an 8TB G-RAID that overheats and the fan never comes on. I've replaced the fan, but the fan still never runs. So now it's either the thermal sensor or the drive motherboard. Any clues as to where I can get replacement parts for that?

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Hi Max,

this seems to be sensor issue not the logic board

this issue covers by warranty you can check your warranty status from the link


also have look to the brand policy as mentioned in there web site

Field Replaceable Parts - G-SPEED FC / G-SPEED XL Products

If you have a G-SPEED FC and XL product and require a replacement part, please contact G-Technology support for a parts RMA (i.e. power supply, fan or controller board)

For all multi-bay units with removable hard drive assemblies: To replace a failed hard drive, please remove the drive from the assembly (drive sled or tray) by removing the attaching screws

After obtaining an RMA, ship the bare drive to G-Technology and a replacement drive will be returned


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Thank you! However, I checked and the warranty has expired. I wonder how I can find out what the part # is for the sensor? I can replace if it I know what it is.


Just wondering. Did you ever found out the part # for the thermal sensor?


I never did - it turned out to be almost impossible to identify. I asked G-Tech and they said :we don't provide part numbers for our products, time to get a new drive case". Which seemed a waste. In the end, a friend provided a case in which both drives had failed, so I got lucky!



It's time to buy a new cooling fan and replace it. All the best!


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I think the fan on mine is dying. At least, it’s making a loud noise. I can’t seem to find a link to replacement parts. Any suggestions?




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