
Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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How could I fix my keyboard?

I have spilled something onto my keyboard.

I have used some kind of dust spray on it, the MacBook works besides some keys that don't respond.

Is it possible to replace the entire keyboard?

And how?

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At this time the only means to replace the keyboard is to replace the assembly it is part of. Review this IFIXIT guide: Retina MacBook 2015 Upper Case Assembly Replacement. As you can see its a bit of work as you'll need to take the entire system apart. Here is the part you'll need: MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case with Keyboard - Used that IFIXIT store has available.

Replace an upper case compatible with the Early 2015 model A1534 MacBook 12 inch Retina laptop. Includes the keyboard and dual microphones.图片


MacBook 12" Retina (Early 2015) Upper Case with Keyboard



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You can replace the keyboard only, not uppercase. Just has tiny screws.


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Mike, the New Retina MacBook keyboards are not available.

Only the older MacBook's & MacBook Pro's are.


Well that's just plain untrue. goo.gl/ wLSXD9 <--- Sample pics of the repair process done by me. If you have a tech do this repair make sure they have a good warranty. Many, many, many techs are breaking these computers when opening them.


I haven't had to replace it yet, but I do have the keyboard in stock. Keyboard only.

Amen I've been doing them on MBAs and MBP Retina since some time now. I don't think it will be way different...


Mike you'll need to post a working URL. Your shortened URL is broken.

I've spent a good hour looking at my normal sources as well as canvassing other sources. I don't find any available for the retina MacBook only the older MacBook or MacBook Pro. I would like to know where you found one (new).

@rany - If you have a clue speak up. I've only had one come in so far which had a popped keycap which I was able to get the needed keycap.


@danj I'll check tomorrow and let you know. Just got home and saw this :)

EDIT: I do have one in stock, I just checked. Shoot me an email if you need more details.





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