
The Gear 2 Neo is a variant of the Gear 2 smartwatch by Samsung. It replaces the Gear 2's steel exterior with plastic and forgoes the camera for a more sporty and resilient exterior.

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Display where the Arm Band connccts is broken?

Hey group? I have a problem. My gear 2 neo display where the arm band connects to the face of the watch is broken. I need to get this part fix in order to connect the arm band to the watch. Can you help me out with this problem? Does anyone know how to repair or do I need to change the face of the watch?

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得分 6

Travis if you find out how and where to get it fixed, could you post it so that we all can get ours fixed as well??





I have the same problem too. I'm looking for a solution also.

Update (04/13/2016)

I have the same problem. I'm looking for a solution also. One side of my watch is broke where the watch connect to the band. So frustrating


得分 1

Hi Travis, I have the same problem, taken back to Samsung shop and said it wasn't worth the bother as it would cost the same as buying new watch.


得分 0

well it looks like most of us are having the same problem. What are we supposed to do? I hope I didn't waste my money buying this item. Although I bought it on Ebay, its still a Samsung product. I really like Samsung and hope I don't have to make the switch to iPhone products!! where do we get it repaired??


得分 0

Hi on the www. rounded.com id possible to buy a spare part, the front cover cost more less 20€


得分 0

Andrea is right. I had the same problem and after searching online for several days I found the front cover from rounded.com it took about two weeks to deliver since it comes from Germany but they have a wide range of spare parts in very good condition. You have to be very careful when detaching the led screen off the faceplate cause it can shatter easily and you'll have to spend more than expected, although I would recommend to buy the whole display assembly to save yourself some time and stress. Good luck!


得分 0

the display cover is in fact where the supports are, I had one broken support (and a seriously scratched screen)

I just bought a new one from ifixit and unfortunately, the one they shipped me ALSO had broken supports, except not one but 2!


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