
The Nokia E71 is a smartphone from the Eseries range with a QWERTY keyboard targeting business users worldwide. It was released in 2008.

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clock and date stopping when I take out the battery

My E71 only starts on battery when I plug it to main: And then it does not vibrate as usual. Also I loose time and date when I take off the battery.

I was told it can relate to the auxiliary battery? (the device is 18 months old, I just udated it to 410.21.010). Can that one be changed, and will it fix my problem?

I am a Nokia addict, and be very happy with my e51 and e75, but hate that my e71 does not work properly.

Many thanks for Your advice, I am a great fan of Yours

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you are not alone with that problem:[ http://discussions.nokia.com.au/t5/Eseri...|click here for one of the sources]

does the vibrator work at all?

changing the vibrator is easy and the part is available on ebay

click here for a disassembly guide


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thank You for the two links. In the Nokia support forum unfortunately no "wise sage" mentions if it is the new update which causes to drain the battery, and nowhere in the dismantling process shown in Your second link does it show an auxiliary battery. Does this extra battery exist ? or is it a wishful thinking from its author? If it exists, can I access?

my best thanks and regards


I didn't see the battery too - surely - nokia hid it sometimes under the keyboard assembly - but to be honest - i think there isn't a battery at all. i have the e63 (which is the cheaper version of the e71) - this model doesn't have the battery. but i think you should reset your e71!


finaly I took my tool box and I opened my E71. I found the auxiliary battery but was unable to take it out, wether it is soldered or fixed with a special glu, I could not move it. I re-assembled the phone, but it did not change the problem. The care station which i visited could only propose to send it back to the factory, at my cost, to evaluate how much it will cost for a fix. I consider getting a new mother board on my own and replace it my self if the bios battery is premounted on it



i cant get date on my wallpapere i think i lose it .please help?on nokia e71


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