
当前版本: oldturkey03


@tonyezzo that is a collapse of the horizontal deflection circuit. this could simply be caused by bad solder joints, as well as failed components like capacitors and even the IC's on your SE.
Before working on it, you do want to read and fully understand the Apple specific safety guide [document|31492]. To work on it, use this document [document|31493].
Here are the [document|31494]. Now, this is for educational purpose only. Remember, as was said before, these monitors pack a punch. Follow proper CRT safety procedures to avoid personal injury etc. while working on High Voltage circuits.
+While you work on your classic computer, take lots of pictures. Once you are done with it, take those pictures and create a guide for iFixit. That will help the next person that has the same problem as you do. It's easy and fun to create these guides. https://ifixit.com/Guide/new The iFixit community will appreciate this.
+Repair is War on Entropy!



原帖由: oldturkey03


@tonyezzo that is a collapse of the horizontal deflection circuit. this could simply be caused by bad solder joints, as well as failed components like capacitors and even the IC's on your SE.

Before working on it, you do want to read and fully understand the Apple specific safety guide [document|31492]. To work on it, use this document [document|31493].

Here are the [document|31494]. Now, this is for educational purpose only. Remember, as was said before, these monitors pack a punch. Follow proper CRT safety procedures to avoid personal injury etc. while working on High Voltage circuits.

