
当前版本: oldturkey03 (投票详情)


How difficult is the screen replacement


So I have an Ipad 5th Gen. Model A1822.  My son tossed it across the room the other day, and the screen shattered.  Gotta love 2 year olds right.  Any who, I have some experience in dealing with electronics hardware, although I doubt anything as small as the hardware inside an Ipad.  How difficult is it to replace a screen that has been shattered.  I have read the guide, and watched videos, I did not see anything that I do not think I could do, but as often is the case, I worry that these guides and videos are making things look substantially easier than they are.  So, is this something that the average joe can accomplish?


iPad 5





原帖由: john doe


How difficult is the screen replacement


So I have an Ipad 5th Gen. Model A1822.  My son tossed it across the room the other day, and the screen shattered.  Gotta love 2 year olds right.  Any who, I have some experience in dealing with electronics hardware, although I doubt anything as small as the hardware inside an Ipad.  How difficult is it to replace a screen that has been shattered.  I have read the guide, and watched videos, I did not see anything that I do not think I could do, but as often is the case, I worry that these guides and videos are making things look substantially easier than they are.  So, is this something that the average joe can accomplish?


iPad 5

