My device not turn on yesterday,now its still not turn on,there's look like have a sign of life,here is was happened I...
阅读更多My phone look cracked but everything is fine,until i forgot to charge it and i tried to charging it and it not turn on(the...
阅读更多I have this old phone which it bricked and I did the recovery mode combination button but nothing shows up,now the only...
阅读更多Today I reinstall my windows but when I booted to the motherboard's splash screen I rapidly press the boot menu key But it...
阅读更多when I done using my PC I will click shut down on the start menu,or press the power button on the PC,but when I shut down...
阅读更多This phone (its not mine) but it so so slow and laggy even an 2014 samsung phone can even play game like PUBG with all max...
阅读更多Im use this thing a lot,and then today i suddenly get the "paper stuck inside the printer" error but there is no paper in...
阅读更多My controller worked fine 1 month ago now when i tried to plug to my pc,it not work (my pc installed controller driver and...
I'm sure that your screen is broken or the screen socket is loose out,you can try to pry the back out and press a bit of force at the screen socket to see if it fix,if it not show anything,well your screen is broken,change a new one
阅读更多Do you try to charge it for a while to see if it turn on yet? Then try to hold the power button to see if there any response Check where is the hottest place of the phone Change that hottest ic maybe it damage because of liquid (the water)
阅读更多If it bootloop like that,seems like the battery socket it loose or the battery quality is weak,try to open the device and press down the battery socket a little bit the it should fine If it just bootloop like that,change the hard drive,and then flash the ios firmware
阅读更多Try to go to a store and test a new display,maybe your screen is broken when you repairing and it not turn on
阅读更多It sound like you do a physical damage to it(you dropped the phone) so some ic chip damaged,then it hot,that mean that damage ic is hot,and it fails to boot 1:Change the power ic of the device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvIWn6v... If the power ic is fine.tries this 2:Change the charging ic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEU0jxLS... If changed but not work,well your motherboard is dead