I have found my issue and have fixed it, but since it was a family members kid's and they don't really care, I had it done in the simplest and cheapest way I could. My issue: the bracket came off away from the button too far and when pressed, the gasket would come off before it even met the bracket. My solution: I simple put some single-sided adhesive labels that were cut in thin strips to the side of the bracket facing towards the home button to meet closer to the button, which also fixed my gasket problem. I had to reapply some two-sided tape to the legs of the bracket since the adhesive was no longer enough to hold it on from me taking it on and off so many times trying to diagnose issues. Sure it's not the most professional thing I've done, but he will not care and I didnt charge a penny for it. Glad there was no damage to the logic boards though! Breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that click and the home button turned on the screen!