The 6 and 6s have the same battery life but the 6s just has a battery that is a little smaller so it would be better to get a battery made for the phone you have. Plus the cables have different flex connectors.
阅读更多Try removing the broken arrow keys and cleaning the insides of them. Make sure the piece of the key that presses down on the button is not broken.
阅读更多Look around Ebay and find if any parts are there. Most of the time since the device is old, you will usually need to buy a broken console for parts and then buy it to fix your thing.
阅读更多Look up Dell inspiron 7577 batteries online and go to shopping. You have tons to choose from but make sure they are OEM batteries. Please approve this, it would be much appreciated and good luck!!!
阅读更多The simple answer - You should have not have updated to Mojave, there is a reason Apple does not include them on the update list. What you can do - Find a way to uninstall Mojave back to whatever OS you were running before. Can’t find out how to Uninstall?- Use an external speaker, it is the best you can do.
阅读更多From what you are saying, it is most likely that the card reader is fried from heavy use by the previous owner(s). You generally cannot fix it separately. The best option would be to buy a new motherboard off ebay. They typically cost from 10-30 dollars used. When you are looking, look at the pictures of the listings with the left Styrophome cover is not damaged. This is the piece that will detect a card has been inserted. If you don’t think getting a new motherboard is worth it, look at your old one and see if any wires are frayed on the left hand side. Good Luck and tell me how it goes!!!
阅读更多If your phone runs 2g, it must be on a t-mobile network, they are the only carriers that use 2g. Other carriers do not support 2g. Questions- What carrier are you using and do you live in the US?
阅读更多First of all, the Iphone SE is a phone that was made 5 years after the iphone 4s. Iphone 4s was just not made to support iphone 4s with the provider that you stated. 4g service was released in 2010 by 1 carrier- Sprint. It took a few years for other companies to catch on. Long answer short, the iphone 4s Was Not made to support 4g. Good Luck!
阅读更多One simple answer, apple did not configure their products to run Linux too. If you teardown a pc made to run Linux and an apple pc, you will find the basic parts the same but many supplementary parts too that the PC made to run Linux needed that the apple pc had.
阅读更多You must have gotten a bad battery, you most likely cant find an apple OEM battery, so I recommend using ifixit’s battery.
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