More details are needed to answer your question. What is the product, type, model number?
阅读更多Most of the time the problem is low coolant in the airconditioning system. When the pressure is too low, the compressor won't even come on (there is a clutch on the compressor, and you can hear a click when it turns on or off). There are test kits available at automotive stores which come with instructions and a pressure gauge. Sometimes the kits also come with a bottle of coolant. You need to make sure the type of coolant is compatible with your car's system. Keep in mind that the reason the coolant is low is because there is a leak somewhere. If it is a really slow leak, you could get a season of cooling out of it after recharging. However, if the coolant leak is more significant (due to a bad seal or a puncture), you may only have a few days of cool air, and your money and effort will have been wasted. A competent mechanic can test you system for you and determine the source of the leak. Cost is usually between $100-200.
阅读更多Wrapping a phone will retain the moisture inside it; you want to achieve the opposite. So instead, remove the protective case, then use a hair dryer on gentle heat to slowly and evenly dry the phone from all sides. Be careful not to overheat the phone, especially the display screen. Do this for about 15 minutes or so, then let the phone cool down. You may have to repeat this several times over the next couple of days to drive all the moisture out of the phone. If too much water got into the phone, minerals from the water could remain on the sensitive electronics and interfere with their proper operation. In that case, the phone needs to be opened up and cleaned by a competent technician. Even then, sometimes the water has done damage inside the phone that can only be fixed by replacing the damaged components. I wish you good luck.
阅读更多Both ideas above are good suggestions. In case you need to use the same size screw in the stripped hole but can't find a spare part, you can insert a helicoil. Basically, you will drill and tap a slightly larger hole and insert the helicoil (looks like a small slinky, or spiral). Helicoils come in a variety of sizes, with your required thread size on the inside, and a larger thread size on the outside. McMaster.com has a lot of selection of helicoils. (their website has listings that include the drill size for the enlarged hole, and they also have the tool to install the helicoils easily) Just one more option ....
阅读更多A likely reason might be a leak somewhere in the fuel line leading from the pump in the fuel tank to the engine.
阅读更多Not sure I have the answer for you, but keyboards are scanned by the processor in an X-axis and Y-axis grid. If one X-axis connection is damaged, an entire row of the keyboard will stop working. This could be either caused by liquid ingress, or by a broken solder joint, typically. There are other possible causes, as is usual for any electronic equipment. Bottom line, though, tough one to fix this yourself.
阅读更多Not sure what this looks like. When the motor is running, the belt will show some minor vibrations, but nothing that should be described as "jumping". Could possibly be the idler pulley spring is too loose and not putting enough tension on the belt. With the engine NOT running, how tight does the belt feel? - should be pretty snug.
阅读更多The first thing that comes to mind is a wheel balancing issue. However, with new tires, the mechanic will usually balance the wheels at the same time. Because the Jeep was new when you got it (2014 model bought in 2013), the problem should have been covered by the warranty. What's the dealer saying? There is a lemon law that if a dealer cannot fix a car within so many visits, they have to give you a new vehicle. Did you explore these options? Just wondering ....
阅读更多This is a tough one to answer. Leaks in this washing machine can happen in several places. Without actually looking at the washer, I would just be guessing. The most obvious places are the hot and cold water connections, both at the faucet and where they connect at the washer. The hoses themselves can also leak, usually near the connections, but sometimes they crack anywhere along their length. The pump inside the washer can leak at the gasket, or a hole might have corroded in the outside tub (not easily visible from looking at the inside drum). Another point of corrosion that I have seen is at the stem underneath the agitator (that sticks out in the middle of the drum). There is a nut under the agitator cap that needs to be removed. The agitator can then be remove with a bit of effort pulling up and wiggling it. I've repaired one machine by removing as much rust as possible, then piling on a good layer of silicone sealer - but not too much; the agitator needs to fit back on. To help trace the problem, dry...
阅读更多Is it possible to measure the space of the battery compartment in your drone? Look at the length, width, and depth, then see if the suggested battery would fit into that compartment. A 2200mAh battery has slightly more capacity than the 2000mAh battery, so that is a plus. You indicate that the connector is compatible, so once you check your drone’s compartment size, everything else sounds good. (if the new battery is slightly smaller, that’s not a problem - just add some foam to prevent it from rattling)
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