Hey iFixIt Community,
Should you have additional questions please feel to email me at josh.ortiz@devicesavers.com I am happy to help.
Josh O.
Hi Mason! Have you ruled out that the issue is not a hardware failure? I have worked with several of these tablets with the same issue your describing. It turned out to be a faulty power flex cable. If it is a software related issue(which doesn't happen often) follow this link. This will help you go about flashing a stock OS to the device. You may need to do some searching on Google for the devices most recent OS. But yes this is a fixable issue. Good luck mate! Cheers! Josh.O
阅读更多Hi Louie! Yes unfortunately it sounds like the LCD is damaged. If your at the point were different color lines are running down the display then its time for a new LCD. There is no "fixing" the lcd with this type of issue, only replacing the faulty part will solve your problem. Hope this helps mate! Cheers! Josh.O
阅读更多Try pulling out the battery and putting it back in. If you cant do that, try a hard reset. You can find out how to do hard resets for your device by searching it in Google. Not sure what type of device you have so a little more information would be helpful. Hope this helps. Update: Hey Idkkknae, if pulling the battery or a hard reset didn't help, the next step to quickly resolve the issue if it is software related is a "factory data reset". This can be found in your devices settings under accounts or personal depending on your current OS. Just make sure all your important information like contacts and pictures are backed up. If that still doesn't solve your issue, that means this is a hardware related issue and needs to be diagnosed by a technician. It may be something as simple as a camera replacement. Check out this guide to see a rear camera repair guide. Let us know your results, good luck mate! Cheers!
阅读更多Hello Marco, it sounds like your device has a faulty charge port assembly which is causing your problem. That or your headphone jack flex cable is damaged and causing the speaker to not function. Just to be sure, I would replace both cables and check your work. Heres some guides to help Headphone jack flex Charge port assembly Hope this helps, Good luck mate! Cheers!
阅读更多Hi Benoit, Yes sir it looks like your going to need to change a cable. If the microphone is not working when speaker is on, then check for damage to volume headphone jack flex.This flex cable also has a microphone attached to it. This cable is probably damaged and needs to be replaced. Heres a link to the guide to replacing that flex cable:Here & Heres the part link so you can buy the part. Hope this works for you my friend! Good Luck!
阅读更多Hi Blake, sorry about you luck with your phone, I would recommend taking it to a reliable professional shop so they can properly diagnose it. Make sure they are pros though, the issue your having sounds like a motherboard related issue. It sounds like one of two things have happened. 1.) While replacing the battery you unknowingly cause damage the the motherboard either by damage a small component like a resistor, if you have a magnify glass look for damaged resistors. Or possibly ESD (Electrostatic discharge). If you took no precautions of these it could be one of those two. Yes it does help to clean the connectors with a qtip and 91% alcohol, the connectors and sensitive to the oil on you skin. 2. The part you installed was extremely defective and shorted a fuse,resistor or IC chip on your board due to over voltage, this does not happen often, but is not unheard of. Either way this need attention from a Master Technician, any more efforts to repair it may just make things worse. If your in the mood to...
阅读更多Fish your situation is not good, if the data is very important, I would recommend getting professional help from a reliable shop that has good reviews. Right now with the device being damaged, it will be almost impossible to retrieve the data, if a shop can get it working, even if its just a little, they can help you get the data. This device has a internal memory that cannot be removed, so no on the SD removal. The longer it sits, the worse the water damage gets. water+metal=corrosion. By the way rice does not really work, not sure how that became popular... Good luck Mate! Cheers! Josh.O
阅读更多Hey Mark, due to the fact your iPhone is a mini computer, it makes it a sensitive piece of equipment. Your more then likely having a motherboard related issue. At this point your options are limited. A.)Take it to a professional shop to have it properly diagnosed. or B.) You can try cleaning the motherboard with some 91% alcohol and a toothbrush, very gently do this. Clean the entire thing then dry it thoroughly with a blow dryer if possible. Dust and dirt accumulates after awhile of using these devices (2-3 years). If that does not help, try known working charge ports and batteries, its possible the ones you tested with were defective. Other then that, your going to need some professional assistance. Good luck my friend. Let us know how it works out. Josh.O
阅读更多Hello, It definitely can be less complicated, you may have a loose connector. However it honestly sounds like you broke the LCD, this can happen from dropping it of course. Still If you take it to Repair Shop (Read Reviews On The Shop You Choose 1st) It should be way less to have it replaced. I am sure they will be able to safely lift the glass and tell you whats going on with it. Good Luck!
阅读更多Make sure USB debugging is turned on, it maybe a setting. You can find the USB debugging option in your settings. Depending on what Android OS your running, its either under applications or developer options. Check the device that connects settings, then check the other device and make sure they match, that's a quick way to rule out a software glitch.
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